Department of Mathematics FAS Harvard University One Oxford Street Cambridge MA 02138 USA Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Hiro Tanaka (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lagrangian Cobordisms, Partially Wrapped Fukaya Categories, and a Functor Between Them abstract September 13, 2013, 3:30 - 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Tom Lovering (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) L-functions, Selmer Groups, and Modular Forms abstract September 12, 2013, 1:00 - 2:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Mark Kisin (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Endomorphisms of abelian varieties and CM liftings abstract September 11, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Yi Tang Zhang (UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE) Bounded gaps between primes abstract May 13, 2013, 3:00pm at Science Center 507
HARVARD, BRANDEIS, M.I.T., NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Mladen Bestvina (THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH) The geometry of Out(F_n) abstract May 09, 2013, 4:30pm at Science Center Hall A
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR David Dumas (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) Convex polygons, complex polynomals, and hyperbolic affine spheres abstract May 08, 2013, 4:00 PM at Sci Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner (BERKELEY) Volume in Seiberg-Witten theory and the asymptotics of embedded contact homology (ECH) capacities abstract May 06, 2013, 10:00am at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR James Freitag (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY) Completeness for differential algebraic varieties abstract May 06, 2013, 4:30pm at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Dan Stroock (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Determinants of Green's Functions with Applications to Counting Spanning Trees and Other Things abstract May 03, 2013, 1:30 PM at Sci Center 232
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Jean-Francois Le Gall (UNIVERSITY OF PARIS -SUD XI ORSAY) The harmonic measure of critical Galton-Watson trees abstract May 02, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
SPECIAL SEMINAR Nils Carqueville (SIMONS CENTER FOR GEOMETRY & PHYSICS, STONY BROOK) Orbifold completion of kernel bicategories abstract May 01, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR Charles Smart (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) The Abelian sandpile and Apollonian circle packings abstract May 01, 2013, 4:00 PM at Sci Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Bong Lian (BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY) CY bundles on a compact Kaehler manifold abstract April 30, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Haim Gaifman (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Epistemic and Ontological Problems Concerning Mathematics abstract April 30, 2013, 4:15 PM at Fong Auditorium (Boylston Hall 110)
JOINT HARVARD/MIT PROBABILITY AFTERNOON: RANDOM MATRICES, RANDOM GEOMETRY Jean-François Le Gall (UNIVERSITY OF PARIS -SUD XI ORSAY) The Brownian map: A universal model of random geometry abstract April 26, 2013, 5:00 PM at Science Center 309
JOINT HARVARD/MIT PROBABILITY AFTERNOON: RANDOM MATRICES, RANDOM GEOMETRY Nikolai Makarov (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) The support of the equilibrium measure in the random normal matrix model abstract April 26, 2013, 3:30 PM at Science Center 309
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Tye Lidman (UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS - AUSTIN) Monopole Floer homology and covering spaces abstract April 26, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Nikolai Makarov (CAL TECH) Random normal matrices and Ward indentities abstract April 25, 2013, 3:00 at Science Center 232
APPLIED MECHANICS COLLOQUIA David Mumford (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Winston Chen Lecture: Mathematizing "Shape," from Durer to MRIs abstract April 24, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00pm at Maxwell Dworkin G115
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR Giulio Tiozzo (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Entropy, dimension and combinatorial moduli for one-dimensional dynamical systems abstract April 24, 2013, 3:00PM at Science Center, Hall E
SPECIAL SEMINAR Lydia Bieri (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) From Spacetime Geometry to Gravitational Waves abstract April 24, 2013, 2:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Yifeng Liu (MIT) On refined Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for Bessel periods abstract April 24, 2013, 3:00 pm at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Po-Ning Chen (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Minimizing quasi-local mass in general activity abstract April 23, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Richard Melrose (MIT) Fusion, Loop-Spin and String structures abstract April 22, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
LOGIC SEMINAR Olivia Caramello (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE) Fraisse's construction from a topos-theoretic perspective abstract April 22, 2013, 4:30 PM at Sci Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Eli Grigsby (BOSTON COLLEGE, TUFTS UNIVERSITY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, BRANDIES UNIVERSITY, AND TUFTS UNIVERSITY) Categorified invariants and the braid group abstract April 19, 2013, 3:30-4:30 PM at Sci Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Mihai Stoiciu (WILLIAMS COLLEGE) Transition in the Microscopic Eigenvalue Distribution for Random and Deterministic Unitary Operators abstract April 18, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Johanna Franklin (UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT) Strongly prompt sets and weak Demuth randomness abstract April 18, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 310
SPECIAL INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Martin Bridgeman, BC/Moon Duchin, Tufts/Vaibhav Gadre, Harvard/Dmitry Kleinbock, Brandeis/Genevieve Walsh, Tufts () Pecha Kucha: Dynamics & Geometry, 20x20 abstract April 17, 2013, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Olivia Caramello (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE) Topological Galois Theory abstract April 17, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Spiro Karigiannis (UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO) A survey of results about G_2 conifolds abstract April 16, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Antonina Kolokolova (MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEWFOUNDLAND) How hard is proving hardness? A logic approach to barriers in complexity theory abstract April 15, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Albrecht Klemm (UNIVERSITY OF BONN) The refined BPS index from stable pair invariants abstract April 15, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Yang Hui-He (CITY U, LONDON/NANKAI U, CHINA/MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD) Bipartite Graphs, Quivers and Gauge Theories abstract April 11, 2013, 10:00 AM at Science Center 232
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Vadim Gorin (MIT) 2-D Structures of beta-random matrix ensembles and the Gaussian Free Field abstract April 11, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Clark Barwick (MIT) The Unicity Theorem, I abstract April 11, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Jun Li (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Moduli space of vector bundles over algebraic surfaces abstract April 10, 2013, 1:00 PM at Science Center 411
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jennifer Balakrishnan (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) p-adic heights and integral points on hyperelliptic curves abstract April 10, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Claude LeBrun (STONY BROOK) Edges, Orbifolds and Seiberg-Witten Theory abstract April 10, 2013, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Danny Calegari (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Random groups contain surface subgroups abstract April 10, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Mike Roth (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY) Roth's theorem for arbitrary varieties abstract April 09, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR John Baldwin (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) Constructing atomic Borel structures in the continuum abstract April 08, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Chris Wendl (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON) Tight but nonfillable contact manifolds in all dimensions abstract April 05, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Matt Hedden (MICHIGAN STATE) The pillowcase and perturbations of traceless representations of knot groups abstract April 05, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Jonathan Novak (MIT) An invitation to Weingarten calculus abstract April 04, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Gijs Heuts (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Models for the theory of (∞, 1)-operads abstract April 04, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Kasra Rafi (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO) Geometry of Teichmuller Space abstract April 03, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Shouwu Zhang (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) The congruent number problem and special values of L-functions abstract April 03, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR William Meeks (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST) The Geometry of isoperimetric domains of large volume in simply connected homogeneous 3-manifolds abstract April 02, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Alexei Borodin (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Integrable stochastic particle systems and Macdonald processes abstract April 01, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Chung-Jun Tsai (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Dirac spectral flow on contact 3-manifolds abstract March 29, 2013, 3:30 - 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
THURSDAY SEMINAR Dominic Verity (MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY) A Conspectus of Complicial Sets, continued abstract March 28, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Alex Wright (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) SL(2,R)-orbit closures of translation surfaces abstract March 27, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jared Weinstein (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) p-divisible groups over O_C abstract March 27, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR An Huang (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The tautological system abstract March 26, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Noah Giansiracusa (UC BERKELEY) Tropical Scheme Theory abstract March 26, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Noureddine El Karoui (UC BERKELEY - STATISTICS) Some connections between random matrix theory and high-dimensional statistics abstract March 26, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Mark Kisin (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Grothendieck p-curvature conjecture abstract March 25, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Nate Ackerman (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Transferring model-theoretic results about L∞,ω to a Grothendieck topos abstract March 25, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Chao Chen (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY - COMPUTER SCIENCE) Connecting Homology and Quantification -- Homology Localization and Persistent Homology abstract March 25, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 530
THURSDAY SEMINAR Dominic Verity (MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY) A Conspectus of Complicial Sets abstract March 21, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Mu-Tao Wang (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Surfaces in spacetime and quasi-local mass abstract March 19, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR John Loftin (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Cubic Differentials and Limits of RP^2 Structures abstract March 18, 2013, 2:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD, BRANDEIS, MIT, NORTHEASTERN JOINT COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Raman Parimala (EMORY UNIVERSITY) Period-index questions for the Brauer groups abstract March 14, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center, Hall A
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Benoit Collins (UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA) Norm convergence for random matrices and applications abstract March 14, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jochen Gartner (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) Massey products in the cohomology of pro-p extensions abstract March 13, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Eric Bedford (INDIANA UNIVERSITY) Automorphisms of complex manifolds with positive entropy abstract March 13, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Thomas Lam (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) The projected Richardson stratification of a partial flag variety abstract March 12, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Brian Lehman (RICE UNIVERSITY) Big cycles and volume functions abstract March 12, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Rehana Patel and Nate Ackerman (OLIN COLLEGE AND HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Random Walk Through Some First Order 0-1 Laws and Computability of 0-1 Laws abstract March 11, 2013, 4:30 PM at Sci Center 507
THURSDAY SEMINAR Jeremy Hahn (MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) From n-fold Segal spaces to n-fold quasi-categories abstract March 07, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Sci Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Francesco Cavazzani (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) From 3264 conics to wonderful compactifications abstract March 07, 2013, 1:00 PM at Science Center 310
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Ivan Corwin (MIT) From duality to determinants for ASEP abstract March 07, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR David Zywina (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Big Monodromy and the Inverse Galois Problem abstract March 06, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Benedict Gross, Oliver Knill, Sarah Koch, Barry Mazur, Curtis McMullen and Emily Riehl (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) PechaKucha: Mathematics, 20x20 abstract March 06, 2013, 4:00 PM at Science Center Hall C
SPECIAL SEMINAR Wolfgang Tichy (FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY) Constructing initial data for binary neutron stars with spins abstract March 05, 2013, 2:00 PM at Science Center 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Matthias Keller (HEBREW UNIVERSITY) Intrinsic metrics for Laplacians on graphs abstract March 05, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Dennis Gaitsgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Induction of representations and weird Frobenius reciprocity abstract March 04, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Robert Lubarsky (FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY) FITTMs, Sigma_3 Determinacy, and nested Sigma_2 Reflection abstract March 04, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Peter Smillie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometry of Diffeomorphism Groups abstract February 28, 2013, 1:00 PM at Science Center 310
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Nalini Anantharaman (UNIVERSITY PARIS SUD / IAS) Quantum Ergodicity on Large Regular Graphs abstract February 28, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Gijs Heuts (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Toën's axiomatization of the homotopy theory of (infinity,1)-categories abstract February 28, 2013, 3:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Sug Woo Shin (MIT) Non-emptiness of Newton strata abstract February 27, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yi Zhang (FUDAN UNIVERSITY) Smooth toroidal compactifications of Siegel variety from the viewpoint of Kaehler-Einstein metrics abstract February 26, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Igor Rodnianski (MIT) Nonlinear scattering for black holes abstract February 25, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Raymond Yeung (THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG) Refinement of Two Fundamental Tools in Information Theory abstract February 22, 2013, 2:00 PM at Science Center 232
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Benedek Valko (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN) Diffusivity of lattice gases abstract February 21, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Clark Barwick (MIT) Models of (∞, 1)-categories: a bestiary abstract February 21, 2013, 3 - 5PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD, BRANDEIS, MIT, NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Alex Kontorovich (YALE UNIVERSITY) Diophantine problems in thin orbits abstract February 21, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center, Hall A
SPECIAL SEMINAR Can Kozcas (SISSA) Extending the Refined Topological Vertex and its Connection to the Refined Chern-Simons Theory abstract February 20, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jack Thorne (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Symmetric power functoriality for GL(2) abstract February 20, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Jayadev Athreya (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN) Gap distributions and homogeneous dynamics abstract February 20, 2013, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Bernd Sturmfels (UC BERKELEY) A Hilbert Scheme in Computer Vision abstract February 19, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Franz Schuster (VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY) Affine vs. Euclidean Isoperimetric Inequalities abstract February 19, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Gerald Sacks (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Extensions of Levy-Schoenfield Absoluteness abstract February 19, 2013, 5:00 PM at Science Center 112
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Michael Brenner (HARVARD UNIVERSITY SEAS) Signal identification from sample covariance matrices with correlated noise abstract February 14, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Gijs Heuts (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quillen Homology abstract February 14, 2013, 1:00 - 2:00 PM at Science Center 310
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Laurent Bartholdi (UNIVERSITY OF GOTTINGEN) Computing with branched coverings abstract February 13, 2013, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Brandon Levin (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Flat deformations with additional structure abstract February 13, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Alice Medvedev (UC BERKELEY) Algebraic Dynamics, Number Theory and Model Theory abstract February 13, 2013, 4:30 PM at Science Center 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Babak Haghighat (HARVARD UNIVERSITY PHYSICS) Conifold transitions in Calabi-Yau fourfolds and 3D gauge theories abstract February 12, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Mboyo Esole (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Geometry of Elliptic Fibrations, a String Theory Perspective abstract February 11, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Erick Knight (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Rationality of del Pezzo Surfaces abstract February 07, 2013, 1:00 - 2:00 PM at Science Center 310
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Jason Miller (MIT) Imaginary Geometry and the Gaussian Free Field abstract February 07, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Bjorn Poonen (MIT) Most odd degree hyperelliptic curves have only one rational point abstract February 06, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Diana Davis (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Cutting sequences on Bouw-Moeller surfaces abstract February 06, 2013, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Gao Da-Peng *NEW SPEAKER* (SIMONS CENTER FOR GEOMETRY & PHYSICS, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY) Asymptotic spectrum of winding states in large volume Calabi-Yau sigma models abstract February 05, 2013, *NEW TIME* 1:30 PM at *NEW LOCATION* Science Center 232
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Dan Stroock (MIT) Randomness and Regularity abstract February 04, 2013, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR R. Inanc Baykur (MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE) Topological Complexity of Symplectic 4-manifolds and Stein fillings abstract February 01, 2013, 3:30 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Eric Riedl (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Brauer Groups abstract January 31, 2013, 1:00 PM at SC 310
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Oleg Ivrii (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Completing the Cardioid abstract January 30, 2013, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Si Li (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) The Quantum Theory of Landau-Ginzberg B-model abstract January 29, 2013, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Gaetan Borot (UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA) All-order asymptotic of beta ensembles in the multi-cut regime abstract January 25, 2013, 2:00 PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Benson Farb (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) The cohomology of SL(n,Z) and its congruence subgroups abstract December 12, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Ivan Petrakiev () On the homogeneous interpolation problem abstract December 11, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR John Baldwin (BOSTON COLLEGE) A bordered monopole Floer theory abstract December 07, 2012, 3:30 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Pei-Yu (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Local new forms for GL(n) abstract December 06, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Tasho Kaletha (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Epipelagic L-packets and rectifying characters abstract December 05, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR John Hamal Hubbard (UNIVERSITé DE PROVENCE/CORNELL UNIVERSITY) On Hubbard trees, etc. abstract December 05, 2012, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Max Weiss (UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA/HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Logic of the Tractatus abstract December 05, 2012, 4:00 PM at Science Center, Rm B-10
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Giulia Sacca (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Abelian fibrations from Enriques surfaces abstract December 04, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Cumrun Vafa (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Scattering Calabi-Yau Manifolds abstract December 03, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Tanya Shcherbina (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Universality of the local regime of characteristic polynomials of the 1D Gaussian band matrices abstract November 29, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Ryosuke Takahashi (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Maximum Principle for Second Order Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations abstract November 29, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Stefan Patrikis (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Variations on a theorem of Tate abstract November 28, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yefeng Shen (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Gromov-Witten theory and cycle-valued modular forms abstract November 27, 2012, 1:30 - 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yutaka Ishii (KYUSHU UNIVERSITY) Trinitas for the Henon Map abstract November 27, 2012, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 530
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Koushik Pal (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK) Unstable theories with an automorphism abstract November 27, 2012, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Sukhada Fadnavis (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Generalization of the Birthday Problem abstract November 26, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Alice Guionnet (MIT) About Heavy Tailed Random Matrices abstract November 20, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yaim Cooper (PRINCETON) Stable quotients and stable maps: A comparison abstract November 20, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Ngo Viet Trung (HANOI) Cohen-Macaulayness of monomial ideals abstract November 20, 2012, 4:30 - 5:30 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Emily Riehl (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Weighted limits and colimits abstract November 19, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Nathan Pflueger (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Rational Normal Scrolls abstract November 15, 2012, 1:30 - 2:30 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD, BRANDEIS, MIT, NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Tom Church (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Representation theory and homological stability abstract November 15, 2012, 4:30 PM at Science Center Hall A
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Ngo Bao Chau (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Geometric interpretation of automorphic L-functions abstract November 14, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Stergios Antonakoudis (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the non-existence of super-Teichmueller disks abstract November 14, 2012, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Frank Bauer (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the spectrum of Laplace operators on graphs abstract November 13, 2012, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Craig A. Tracy (UC DAVIS) Bethe Ansatz Methods in Stochastic Integrable Models abstract November 13, 2012, 1:00 PM at Science Center 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Rosa Sena-Dias (INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO) Non-compact scalar-flat K\"ahler toric metrics and their energy abstract November 09, 2012, 3:30 - 4:30 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Rod Downey (VICTORIA UNIVERSITY WELLINGTON) The computability theory of the Finite Intersection Principle abstract November 09, 2012, 3:30 PM at Science Center 411
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Elizabeth Meckes (CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY) The spectra of powers of random unitary matrices abstract November 08, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Jeffrey Kuan (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The representation theory and combinatorics behind random partitions abstract November 08, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Robert Guralnick (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA) E8(p) is a Galois group over Q abstract November 07, 2012, 3:00 - 4:00 PM at Science Center 506
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Matt Bainbridge (INDIANA UNIVERSITY) Effective Veech dichotomy abstract November 07, 2012, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Eric Zaslow (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Skeleta for Affine Hypersurfaces abstract November 06, 2012, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY AND ANALYSIS SEMINAR Hao Jia (UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA) On scale-invariant solutions to Navier Stokes equation abstract November 06, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 232
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR John Lesieutre (MIT) A divisor with non-closed restricted base locus abstract November 06, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Maryanthe Malliaris (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Cofinality spectrum problems in model theory, set theory and general topology abstract November 05, 2012, 4:00 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Gabor Lippner (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Invariant perfect matchings in Cayley graphs abstract November 05, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Joshua Batson (MIT) A link splitting spectral sequence in Khovanov Homology abstract November 02, 2012, 3:30 - 4:40 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Oleg Ivrii (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Moduli of Curves abstract November 01, 2012, 1:30 - 2:30 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Fan Chung Graham (UC SAN DIEGO) Can you hear the shape of a network? New directions in spectral graph theory abstract November 01, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 232
**POSTPONED** NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Tasho Kaletha (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Epipelagic L-packets and rectifying characters abstract October 31, 2012, at
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Andres Sambarino (UNIVERSITE PARIS-SUD, ORSAY) Convexity and counting abstract October 31, 2012, 4:00 - 5:00 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Dan Mangoubi (HEBREW UNIVERSITY) Convexity properties of harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds abstract October 31, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 232
SPECIAL PROBABILITY SEMINAR Jürg Fröhlich (ETH ZÜRICH) What is it that is confusing about Quantum Mechanics abstract October 30, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yu-Shen Lin (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Discs Counting on Elliptic K3 Surfaces and Wall-Crossing abstract October 30, 2012, 4:15 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Fan Chung Graham (UC SAN DIEGO) Can you hear the shape of a network? - New directions in spectral graph theory abstract October 29, 2012, 3:00 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Louis Pierre Arguin (MONTREAL UNIVERSITY) Poisson-Dirichlet statistics for the extremes of log-correlated Gaussian fields abstract October 26, 2012, 1:30 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Clark Barwick (MIT) Deligne cohomology (ctd) abstract October 25, 2012, 300 - 430 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD, BRANDEIS, MIT, NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Laura DeMarco (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO) Special Curves and postcritically-finite polynominals abstract October 25, 2012, 430 PM at Science Center Hall A
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Konstantin Matveev (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Limits of Random Surfaces abstract October 25, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Abhinav Kumar (MIT) Abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction abstract October 24, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Yu-Jong Tzeng (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Enumeration of singular curves with tangency conditions abstract October 23, 2012, 415 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Nathan Ilten (UC BERKELEY) Mutations of Laurent polynomials and flat families with toric fibers abstract October 23, 2012, 300 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Shlomo Sternberg (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Recent incarnations of the Cartan three form abstract October 22, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL PROBABILITY SEMINAR Claudio Landim (IMPA) Action functional and quasi-potential for the Burgers equation in a bounded interval abstract October 19, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Michael Hutchings (UC BERKELEY) Existence of two Reeb orbits abstract October 19, 2012, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center 507
THURSDAY SEMINAR Clark Barwick (MIT) Deligne cohomology abstract October 18, 2012, 300 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Ben Stetler (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Information Theory and the Channel Coding Theorem abstract October 18, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR John Smillie (CORNELL UNIVERSITY) Translation surfaces and Teichmueller dynamics abstract October 17, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT LOGIC SEMINAR Peter Cholak (UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME) The computably enumerable sets the tardy sets, the D-maximal sets and the low sets abstract October 17, 2012, 400 PM at Science Center Hall E
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Dennis Gaitsgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Arthur parameters for the Langlands correspondence in the geometric setting abstract October 17, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Emanuel Scheidegger (UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG) Topological strings, fibrations and modular forms abstract October 16, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Jae Choon Cha (POHANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) Amenable L2-signatures and cobordism of knots and 3-manifolds abstract October 12, 2012, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Ben Stetler (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lifshitz tails for spectra of Erdos-Renyi random graphs abstract October 12, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR Kristen Wickelgren (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Esnault and Wittenberg's work on O-cycles and anabelian geometry abstract October 11, 2012, 300 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Chao Li (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mumford Curves abstract October 11, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR David Hansen (BOSTON COLLEGE) Eigenvarieties for reductive groups abstract October 10, 2012, 300 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Kevin Pilgrim (INDIANA UNIVERSITY) Pullback invariants of critically finite rational maps abstract October 10, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Tobias Ekholm (UPPSALA UNIVERSITY) Exact Lagrangian immersions with a single double point abstract October 09, 2012, 415 PM at Science Center 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR Sergey Grigorian (SUNY STONY BROOK) Short-time behaviour of a modified Laplacian coflow of G2 structures abstract October 09, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Shoji Yokura (KAGOSHIMA UNIVERSITY) Motivic Hirzebruch class and its Donaldson-Thomas type analogue abstract October 09, 2012, 300 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Andy Wand (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Tightness and open book decompostions abstract October 05, 2012, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Jie Zhou (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Monodromy, Moduli Spaces and Mirror Manifolds abstract October 04, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
THURSDAY SEMINAR Aravind Asok (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Homotopy theory of punctured affine spaces abstract October 04, 2012, 3 - 5 PM at Sci Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Brian Conrad (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Minimal Pseudo-reductive Groups abstract October 03, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Anders Karlsson (UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA) Two extensions of Thurston's spectral theorem of surface diffeomorphisms abstract October 03, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Alexander Grigorian (BIELEFELD UNIVERSITY) Homologies of graphs abstract October 02, 2012, 415 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Cheng-Chiang Tsai (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Localization to 27 Lines on the Cubic Surface abstract September 27, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Benjamin Howard (BOSTON COLLEGE) Gross-Zagier theorems for higher weight modular forms abstract September 26, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Hiroshige Shiga (TOKYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces and their degenerations abstract September 26, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Sam Payne (YALE UNIVERSITY) Tropicalization of the moduli space of curves abstract September 25, 2012, 300 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Siu-Cheong Lau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Open Mirror Symmetry by using SYZ abstract September 25, 2012, 415 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTION SEMINAR Siu-Cheong Lau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mirror symmetry and Fourier transform abstract September 24, 2012, 3 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Ke Zhu (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Thin instantons in G2 manifolds and Seiberg-Witten invariants abstract September 21, 2012, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Omar Antolin Camarena (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) No Wandering Domains abstract September 20, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 507
THURSDAY SEMINAR Mike Hopkins (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Totaro's work on algebraic cycles and complex cobordism abstract September 20, 2012, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Howard Masur (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Winning sets of foliations for Schmidt games abstract September 19, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jacob Tsimerman (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) O-minimality and Arithmetic Applications abstract September 19, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Andreas Grotz (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometric Structures in the Fermionic Operator Approach abstract September 18, 2012, 415 PM at Science Center 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Shing-Tung Yau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometry of singular Einstein space abstract September 17, 2012, 300 PM at Science Center 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR Ali Daemi (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory for Low Dimensional Manifolds abstract September 13, 2012, 130 - 230 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Giulio Tiozzo (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geodesic ray tracking for random walks abstract September 12, 2012, 400 - 500 PM at Science Center 507
PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION SEMINAR Zhen Lei (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Introduction to Navier-Stokes equations abstract September 11, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Adam Jacob (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Yang Mills Flow and the Atiyah-Bott Formula on Kahler Manifolds abstract September 11, 2012, 400 - 530 PM at Science Center 507
HARVARD MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Curt McMullen (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Moduli spaces of isoperiodic forms on Riemann surfaces abstract September 11, 2012, 300 - 400 PM at Science Center 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Alan Hammond () The Multi-line Airy Process and it's Brownian-Gibb Property abstract September 07, 2012, 130 PM at Science Center 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR Ronen Mukamel (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Fundamental domains and generators for lattice Veech groups abstract September 05, 2012, 4 PM at Science Center 507
SUMMER TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Geoffroy Horel () Topological Calculus abstract August 16, 2012, 2 PM at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR X. Buff / C. McMullen (UNIVERSITY OF TOULOUSE & ICERM / HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Antipode-preserving cubic rational maps & Cascades in the dynamics of surface foliations abstract June 6, 2012, 300 p.m. at Science Center, room 530
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Omer Angel (UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) Linearly reinforced random walks abstract May 11, 2012, 130PM at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Ellen Eischen () An Eisenstein measure for unitary groups abstract May 9, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Milena Hering (UCONN STORR) abstract May 8, 2012, 300 pm at MIT (2-147)
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Cagatay Kutluhan (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Holonomy filtration and knots abstract May 4, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
BRANDEIS - HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEARSTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Peter May (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) What is equivariant cohomology and what is it good for? abstract May 3, 2012, 430 pm ( Tea to start at 400 ) at Talk at 317 Goldsmith Hall, Tea at 300 Goldsmith Hall
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Wei Zhang (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Local character expansion and L-values abstract May 2, 2012, 300 p.m. at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Amie Wilkinson (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Conservative diffeomorphisms from a C^1 generic perspective abstract May 2, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR John Ottem (CAMBRIDGE) Ample subvarieties and q-ample divisors abstract May 1, 2012, 300 p.m. at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Bertrand Duplantier (INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, SACLAY (FRANCE)) SLE, KPZ and Liouville Quantum Gravity abstract May 1, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Tatyana Kobylyatskaya (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Symplectic embeddings of rational homology balls abstract April 27, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Samuel Lelievre (UNIVERSITE' PARIS-SUD) Flat surfaces with no convex presentation (joint work with Barak Weiss) abstract April 26, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 530
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR R. Nadakuditi (( MICHIGAN )) Phase transitions in spiked random matrices abstract April 26, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT COLLOQUIUM Balazs Szegedy (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Higher order Fourier analysis abstract April 26, 2012, 430pm at Science Center, Hall A
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Nicolas Ojeda Bar (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Towards a cohomological construction of Breuil-Kisin modules abstract April 25, 2012, 300 at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Dierk Scheicher (JACOBS UNIVERSITY) News about Newton global dynamics and efficient root finding abstract April 25, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRAD STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Dennis Gaitsgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Factorization algebras attached to quantum groups, continuation abstract April 24, 2012, 530pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Arend Bayer (UCONN STORR) Projectivity and birational geometry of Bridgeland moduli spaces abstract April 24, 2012, 300 - 400 p.m. at MIT (2-147)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Paul Bourgade (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The circular law abstract April 23, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Ethan Street (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Towards an Instanton Floer Homology for Tangles abstract April 20, 2012, 330pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Philippe Di Francesco (INSTITUT DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE DU C.E.A., SACLAY, FRANCE AND M.S.R.I, BERKELEY) Discrete Integrable Systems and Cluster Algebras abstract April 19, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
BRANDEIS - HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEARSTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Ravi Vakil (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Limits of discriminants in algebraic geometry abstract April 19, 2012, 430 pm at Harvard University Science Center, Hall A
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Nicolas Templier (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Harmonic families of automorphic representations abstract April 18, 2012, 300 p.m. at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Izzet Coskun (UIC) Bridgeland stability abstract April 17, 2012, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Dennis Gaitsgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Factorizations algebras attached to quantum groups abstract April 17, 2012, 530 pm at MIT room 2-190
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Alex Bloemendal (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Continuum limits of random matrices at the spectral edge abstract April 16, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Thomas Koberda (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mapping class groups, homology and finite covers of surfaces abstract April 13, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Naor, A. (NYU) Grothendieck's inequality and the propeller conjecture. abstract April 12, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Yu-Shen Lin (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mirror Symmetry from SYZ abstract April 12, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jayce Getz (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) An approach to nonsolvable base change for GL(2) abstract April 11, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Nathan Dunfield (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN) Integer homology 3-spheres with large injectivity radius abstract April 11, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Jorge Vitorio Pereira (IMPA) Singular foliations with trivial canonical class abstract April 10, 2012, 300 - 400 p.m. at MIT (2-147)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Yum-Tong Siu (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Multiplier Ideal Scheaves abstract April 9, 2012, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Nathan Dunfield (UIUC) Twisted Alexander polynomials of hyperbolic knots abstract April 6, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Bourgade, P (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Strong Szegö asymptotics for L-functions abstract April 5, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM Tony Martin () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Ninth Presentation) Completeness or Incompleteness of Basic Mathematical Concepts abstract April 4, 2012, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Tom Sharland (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICIK) Polynomial matings and rational maps with cluster cycles abstract April 4, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Bianca Viray (BROWN UNIVERSITY) A strengthened Gross-Zagier formula for singular moduli abstract April 4, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Paolo Aluffi (FLORIDA STATE) Chern classes of hypersurface arrangements abstract April 3, 2012, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Dustin Clausen () Koszul duality and Verdier duality abstract April 3, 2012, 530 pm at MIT room 2-190
BASIC NOTIONS Keerthi Madapusi Pera (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) p-adic uniformization and Hodge cycles on abelian varieties abstract April 2, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Chatterjee, S. (NYU) Invariant measures and the soliton resolution conjecture abstract March 30, 2012, 130 **special time** at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Max Lipyanskiy (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Gromov-Uhlenbeck Compactness abstract March 30, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Aliakbar Daemi (HARVARD UNIVERITY) Lie geometry abstract March 29, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Eddie Herman (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Beyond Endoscopy for the Symmetric Cube L-function abstract March 28, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Kathryn Lindsey (CORNELL UNIVERSITY) Invariant components of translation surfaces abstract March 28, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM John Steel () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Eighth Presentation) The Triple Helix abstract March 28, 2012, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
BASIC NOTIONS Sophie Morel (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Langlands Functoriality abstract March 26, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Gabriel Bujokas () Poncelet's Porism abstract March 22, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Samit Dasgupta (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - SANTA CRUZ) On Greenberg's conjecture for symmetric square p-adic L-functions abstract March 21, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM James Cummings () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Seventh Presentation) / Some Challenges for the philosophy of set theory abstract March 21, 2012, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Martin Hairer (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK) Solving the KPZ equation abstract March 20, 2012, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 232
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Verdier and Koszul duality for factorization algebras abstract March 20, 2012, 530 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Alina Marian (NORTHEASTERN) Verlinde sheaves and strange duality for K3 and abelian surfaces abstract March 20, 2012, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Vaibhav Gadre (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Word and relative metrics along random geodesics. abstract March 19, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Ivan Corwin (MICROSOFT RESEARCH, MIT) Gibbsian line ensembles abstract March 16, 2012, 130 pm at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Cliff Taubes (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) SL(2;C) connections with L^2 bounds on curvature abstract March 9, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR J. Lee Harvard () Directed polymer at weak disorder abstract March 9, 2012, 130 pm at Science Center, room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Giulio Tiozzo (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Apollonian circle packings abstract March 8, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR J. Lee Harvard () Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems from Isotropic Entanglement abstract March 8, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR Mike Hopkins (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Cohomology of formal groups abstract March 8, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINARN R. Movassagh () Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems from Isotropic Entanglement abstract March 8, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Scott Wolpert (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND) Infinitesimal deformations of nodal stable curves abstract March 7, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jacob Tsimerman (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lower bounds for Galois orbits and the Andre-Oort Conjecture abstract March 7, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SEMINAR Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERITY) Factorization structures in topology -- III abstract March 6, 2012, 530 pm at MIT room 2-190
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Wilfried Schmid (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mixed Hodge modules abstract March 5, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR I. Corwin (MIT/ MICROSOFT) Quantum many body systems solvable via a new integral ansatz abstract March 2, 2012, 130 pm at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Sushmita Venugopalan (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Yang-Mills heat flow on gauged holomorphic maps abstract March 2, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Carl Erickson (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Siegel Zero abstract March 1, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR Michael Damron (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) A simplified proof of the relation between scaling exponents in first - passage percolation. abstract March 1, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD Harvey Friedman (OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY) Maximality and incompleteness abstract March 1, 2012, 430 at Science Center, Lecture Hall A
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Dzmitry Dudko (JACOBS UNIVERSIRTY) Matings with laminations abstract February 29, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Xinwen Zhu (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Local models of Shimura varieties abstract February 29, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Factorization structures in topology, continuation abstract February 28, 2012, 530 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Barry Mazur (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Statistics in the arithmetic of elliptic curves abstract February 27, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR **NOTE DIFFERENT TIME, PLACE, & DAY** Bharghav Bhatt (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Comparison theorems in p-adic Hodge theory abstract February 24, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Max Lipyanskiy (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Gromov-Uhlenbeck Compactness- (CANCELLED) abstract February 24, 2012, at
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Ethan Street (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Dzhanibekov Effect, or The Tennis Racket Theorem abstract February 23, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Giulio Tiozzo (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Entropy and dimension of real sections of the Mandelbrot set abstract February 22, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Samual Grushevsky (STONY BROOK) Pairs of real normalized differentials, cohomology of Mg, and cusps of plane curves abstract February 21, 2012, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Factorization structures in the topological setting abstract February 21, 2012, 545 pm at MIT room 2-190
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY John Pardon (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Totally disconnected groups (not) acting on three-manifolds abstract February 17, 2012, 330 at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR David R. Nelson (HARVARD UNIVERSITY (DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS)) Competition and Cooperation at Frontiers abstract February 16, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS George Boxer () Crystals, Young Tableaux, Littelmann Paths, and Representation Theory abstract February 16, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM Philip Welch () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Sixth Presentation) / Global Reflection Principles abstract February 15, 2012, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Keerthi Madapusi Pera (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Tate conjecture for K3 surfaces over finite fields of odd characteristic abstract February 15, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Dennis Gaitsgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Factorizable gerbes abstract February 14, 2012, 530 pm at MIT room 2-190
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Benedict Gross (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Discriminants and root discriminants abstract February 13, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY Adam Levine (BRANDEIS) Bordered Floer homology and splicing knot complements abstract February 10, 2012, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS Nathan Kaplan (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Incidence Problems in the Plane abstract February 9, 2012, 200 p.m. at Science Center, room 310
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Ivan Corwin (MICROSOFT RESEARCH NEW ENGLAND AND MIT) Macdonald processes and solvability in the KPZ universality class abstract February 9, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Matthew Emerton (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) A new perspective on the Breuil--Mezard conjecture abstract February 8, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY Dennis Gaitgory (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quantum groups and factorizable sheaves an overview abstract February 7, 2012, 530 pm at
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY TBA () TBA abstract February 7, 2012, 530 pm at Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR Hong-Tzer Yau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Random Matrix, Beta ensembles, and Dyson Brownian Motion abstract February 6, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR Vershynin, R. U. (MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR) Random hyperplane tessellations and embeddings into metric spaces abstract February 2, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Thomas Koberda (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mapping class groups, homology and finite covers of surfaces abstract February 1, 2012, 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Joseph Rabinoff (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Skeleton of the Jacobian and the Jacobian of the Skeleton abstract February 01, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR Pierre Nolin (ETH ZüRICH) Two-dimensional percolation and self-organized criticality abstract January 31, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Joël Bellaïche (BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY) A universal Galois representation attached to modular forms of level 1 modulo 2 abstract January 25, 2012, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JACK THORNE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Some canonical constructions in arithmetic invariant theory abstract December 14, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR JON CHAIKA (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Badly approximable directions on flat surfaces abstract December 14, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MAXIM ARAP (UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA) Classification of smooth weak Fano threefolds of Picard number two abstract December 13, 2011, 300 pm at MIT, room 2-146
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY LIAM WATSON () L-spaces and left-orderability abstract December 9, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR IAN BIRINGER (YALE UNIVERSITY) Geometry of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds with Constrained Rank abstract December 7, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JUNECUE SUH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Parity in the cohomology of varieties over finite fields abstract December 7, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS CAGATAY KUTLUHAN () Embedded contact homology abstract December 6, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Recovering the full Kazhdan-Lusztig tensor product abstract December 6, 2011, 530 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR PATRICK BROSNAN () TBA abstract December 6, 2011, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY DAVID SHEA VELA-VICK (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Contact structures and knot Floer homology abstract December 2, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX & PROBABILITY SEMINAR J. LEBOWITZ (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Time Evolution and Stationary States of Macroscopic Systems Classical and Quantum abstract December 1, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR CHRIS SCHOMMER-PRIES () Invertible Conformal Nets abstract December 1, 2011, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID BROWN (EMORY UNIVERSITY) Random Dieudonne Modules and the Cohen-Lenstra conjectures abstract November 30, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOSHUA BROWN (SUNY STONY BROOK) Rock-paper-scissors in the complex world abstract November 30, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Local definition of the KL tensor product abstract November 29, 2011, 530 pm at MIT, room 2-190
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS CAGATAY KUTLUHAN () Pseudoholomorphic curves and monopoles abstract November 29, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center 530
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR DAVID KAZHDAN (HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM) Quivers and quantum groups. abstract November 28, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Finally, the Sugawara construction abstract November 22, 2011, 530 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS ETHAN STREET (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Operators on Instanton Homology and Property P abstract November 22, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ARTAN SHESHMANI (UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) Higher rank stable pairs and virtual localization over local Calabi Yau threefolds and K3 surfaces abstract November 22, 2011, 300 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR MARK KISIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Tate conjecture abstract November 21, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR *DIFFERENT TIME &DAY* DINESH THAKUR (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA) Diophantine approximation in finite characteristic abstract November 21, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS CHAO LI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Shimura Curves abstract November 17, 2011, 1130 am at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR SODIN, S (IAS) A supersymmetric transfer matrix approach to random band matrices (based on joint work with M. Disertori and Spenser) abstract November 17, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR CHRIS SCHOMMER-PRIES () The Free Fermion Net abstract November 17, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR AARON SILBERSTEIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Intersection Theory in the Birational Fundamental Groups of Surfaces and Gal(Q/Q) abstract November 16, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOHANNA MANGAHAS (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Orbit trees in the curve complex abstract November 16, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS SEMINAR ALIAKBAR DAEMI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Instanton Floer homology abstract November 15, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Structure of crystal on the category of chiral modules. abstract November 15, 2011, 530 pm at MIT, room 2-190
INFORMAL PROBABILITY SEMINAR A. DEMBO (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Factor models on locally tree-like graphs. abstract November 15, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JIE WANG (OHIO STATE) Generic vanishing results on certain Koszul cohomology groups abstract November 15, 2011, 300 pm at MIT (2-146)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR NIR AVNI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) IRS abstract November 14, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR DMITRY DOLGOPYAT (MARYLAND UNIVERSITY) Random perturbations of area preserving flows of surfaces. abstract November 10, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
BRANDEIS - HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEARSTERN COLLOQUIUM AT HARVARD CRAIG TRACY (U C DAVIS) Turbulent liquid crystals, KPZ universality and the asymmetric simple exclusion process abstract November 10, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Lecture Hall A
TRIVIAL NOTIONS XIOHENG WANG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) BCGRS II - Baby Coxeter Groups and Root Systems II abstract November 10, 2011, 1130 am at Science Center, room 309
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR TANYA FIRSOVA (SUNY STONY BROOK) The critical locus for complex Henon Maps abstract November 9, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEANINE VAN ORDER (ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE LAUSANNE) Some divisibility questions for p-adic L-functions abstract November 9, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS ANDREW COTTON-CLAY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometric applications of pseudo-holomorphic curves abstract November 8, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Universal constructions of crystals and Sugawara, a continuation of the previous talk. abstract November 8, 2011, 530 pm at Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR CLIFF TAUBES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) 'Differential equations, compactness and topology'. abstract November 7, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY BARNEY BRAMHAM () Approximating Hamiltonian systems by integrable systems using pseudo-holomorphic curves abstract November 4, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Examples of conformal nets loop groups and free fermions abstract November 3, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS STERGIOS ANTONAKOUDIS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Dynamics on M_g abstract November 3, 2011, 1130 am at Science Center, room 309
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR KAROL KOZLOWSKI (INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PERDUE UNIVERSITY INDIANAPOLIS) Asymptotic analysis of cyclic multiple intergrals abstract November 3, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ANDREW SNOWDEN (MIT) Singularities of ordinary deformation rings abstract November 2, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR XAVIER BUFF (UNIVERSITY PAUL SABATIER, TOULOUSE) Rescaling limits of rational maps abstract November 2, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM CHARLES PARSONS () EXploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Fourth Presentation) / Evidence and the hierarchy of mathematical theories abstract November 2, 2011, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Universal construction on curves, a rerun of the talk from Oct. 18th abstract November 1, 2011, 530 pm at MIT, room 2-190
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS TIRASAN KHANDHAWIT () Introduction to monopole Floer homology abstract November 1, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Dijkgraaf-Witten models and vanishing theorems for higher Tate cohomology abstract October 31, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY HIROFUMI SASAHIRA (NAGOYA UNIVERSITY) Instanton Floer homology for lens space abstract October 28, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR J. NOVAK (MIT) Monotone Hurwitz numbers and the HCIZ integral abstract October 27, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 232
THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Fusion, revisited abstract October 27, 2011, 300 - 500 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS NATHAN PFLUEGER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Semigroups and curves abstract October 27, 2011, 1130 am at Science Center, room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR () NO SEMINAR ON THIS DATE abstract October 26, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR ROLAND ROEDER (INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PERDUE UNIVERSITY INDIANAPOLIS) Intertwined Basis for a cylinder map arising from statistical physics abstract October 26, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
GEOMETRY REPRESENTATION THEORY () NO TALK TODAY abstract October 25, 2011, 530 pm at
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS JOSHUA BATSON () Applications of Heegaard Floer Homology abstract October 25, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
SPECIAL SEMINAR ILAN BARNEA (HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM) How can homotopy theory be useful to number theory abstract October 24, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
BASIC NOTIONS PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A recent history of the 4-dimensional Poincaré conjecture abstract October 24, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
PROBABILITY SEMINAR E. CARLEN (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Recent Progress on Kac's Probabilistic Approach to Kinetic Theory abstract October 21, 2011, 130 pm at Science Center, room 232
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY VIVEK SHENDE (MIT) Hilbert schemes of plane curve singularities and knot invariants abstract October 21, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS ERIC REIDL (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Syzygy abstract October 20, 2011, 1130 - 1230 at Science Center, room 309
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR GIJS HUETS () The 3-catagory of conformal nets, part III sectors abstract October 20, 2011, 300 - 500 pm at Science Center, room 507
WORKING SEMINAR OF RANDOM MATRICES J. NOVAK () Discovering the free world/ LECTURE II abstract October 20, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM JOEL HAMKINS () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Third Presentation) / The Set-theoretic Multiverse abstract October 19, 2011, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ANA CARAIANI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Local-global compatibility and monodromy abstract October 19, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANAND DEOPURKAR (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Alternate compactifications of Hurwitz spaces abstract October 18, 2011, 300 pm at MIT (2-146)
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS AILSA KEATING () Introduction to Lagrangian Floer homology abstract October 18, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center 530
GEOMETRY REPRESENTATION THEORY ANDREI NEGUT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Sugawara Construction abstract October 18, 2011, 530 pm at MIT, room 2-190
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR GERALD SACKS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Models of set theory via measure theory abstract October 17, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR JEREMY KAHN (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Geometric Limits and Renormalization abstract October 17, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
WORKING SEMINAR OF RANDOM MATRICES J. NOVAK () Discovering the free world/ LECTURE 1 abstract October 14, 2011, 130 PM at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY NIKOLAI SAVELIEV (MIAMI) An index theorem for end-periodic operators abstract October 14, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS A. SOSHINIKOV (UC DAVIS) Outliers of finite rank deformations of Wigner matrices and related things abstract October 13, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 530
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR EMILY PETERS () The Connes fusion tensor product abstract October 13, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JONATHAN POTTHARST (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) Selmer groups on the eigencurve abstract October 12, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAWEI CHEN (BOSTON COLLEGE) Geometry of Teichmueller Curves II Quadratic Differentials abstract October 11, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE () Modular forms modulo 2 of level 1 abstract October 11, 2011, 200 - 300 at Harvard University Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Seiberg-Written invariants of 4-manifolds (II) abstract October 11, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY PAUL SEIDEL (MIT) Symplectic invariants beyond Gromov-Witten theory/ Please notice the change in date. abstract October 07, 2011, 330 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS FRANCESCO CELLAROSI (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) On the M\obius Function and Statistical Mechanics abstract October 06, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS MATTHEW WOOLF (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Amenable groups abstract October 6, 2011, 1130 - 1230 at Science Center, room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR GIJS HEUTS () The 3 category of conformal nets, part II defects abstract October 6, 2011, 300 - 500 pm at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-PIERRE SERRE () Introduction to the Sato-Tate conjecture abstract October 05, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM SOLOMON FEFERMAN () Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness/ Is the Continuum Hypothesis a definite mathematical problem? abstract October 5, 2011, 400 pm at The Fong Auditorium
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR OLEG IVRIL (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Weil-Petersson metric on Blaschke products abstract October 05, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS TATYANA KOBYLYATSKAYA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Introduction to Heegaard Floer Homology abstract October 04, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center, room 530
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY GIORGIA FORTUNA () The Fusion tensor product abstract October 04, 2011, 530 pm at MIT, room 2-190
AHLFORS LECTURES ELLIOTT LIEB (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) The Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and its generalization to the Heisenberg group abstract October 04, 2011, 415 - 515 pm at Harvard University Science Center Lecture Hall A
BASIC NOTIONS Jean-Pierre Serre () Integration and Equidistribution abstract October 03, 2011, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, room 507
AHLFORS LECTURES ELLIOTT LIEB (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Symmetry breaking, reflection positivity and phase transitions abstract October 03, 2011, 415 - 515 pm at Harvard University Science Center Lecture Hall B
GAUGE THEORY & TOPOLOGY THOMAS KRAGH (MIT) Fibration of Symplectic Homology in Contangent Bundles abstract September 30, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS P. FERRARI (BONN) Non-intersecting random walks in the neighborhood of a symmetric tacnode abstract September 29, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS JEFF KUAN () Interlacing particle systems abstract September 29, 2011, 1130 - 1230 at Science Center, room 309
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR Mike Hopkins (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The 3-catagory of conformal nets, part I abstract September 29, 2011, Thursday, September 29, 2011 at Science Center, room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JARED WEINSTEIN (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) Maximal varieties over finite fields abstract September 28, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS & GEOMETRY SEMINAR Will Cavendish (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Solenoids over 3-manifolds abstract September 28, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, room 507
LOW DIMENSIONAL NOTIONS Peter Kronheimer (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Seiberg-Written invariants of 4-manifolds abstract September 27, 2011, 1200 pm at Science Center
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR Elham Izadi (UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA) Some limits of the Scorza correspondence abstract September 27, 2011, 300 pm at Science Center 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SASHA TSYMBALYUK & GIORGIA FORTUNA () Talk 1 Structure of Category O (Continuation of the talk last week). Talk 2 The fusion tensor product. abstract September 27, 2011, 530 PM at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Covers of the Riemann sphere branched at few points abstract September 26, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY STEVEN SIVEK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Monopole Floer homology and Legendrian knots abstract September 23, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM JEAN-PIERRE SERRE () Variation with p of the number of solutions mod p of a system of polynomial equations abstract September 22, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall A
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Chern-Simons theory abstract September 22, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS O. BERNARDI (MIT) Computing the moments of the GOE bijectively PLEASE NOTICE THE CHANGE IN ROOM abstract September 22, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 530
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR R.E. SCHWARTZ (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Polygonal outer billiards, polytope exchanges, and renormalization abstract September 21, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM HUGH WOODIN () The realm of the infinite abstract September 21, 2011, 4 PM at The Fong Auditorium, Harvard University
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JACK HUIZENGA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Hilbert schemes of points, vector bundles, polynomial multiplication, and the golden ratio abstract September 20, 2011, 3 PM at MIT (2-146)
LOW DIMENTIONAL NOTIONS SEMINAR STEVEN SIVEK () Contact Geometry and Giroux Correspondence abstract September 20, 2011, 4 - 5PM at Science Center, Hall D
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Contractibility of the space of rational maps abstract September 19, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JONATHAN BLOOM (MIT) Floer homology with boundary abstract September 16, 2011, 330 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DAVID KAZHDAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Background on quantum field theory abstract September 15, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR CLIFFORD EARLE (CORNELL UNIVERSITY) Holomorphic coordinates on Teichmueller space and compactified moduli space abstract September 14, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR KEERTHI MADAPUSI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The p-adic comparison isomorphism for abelian varieties via Dieudonne theory for log 1-motifs abstract September 14, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR VIVEK SHENDE (MIT) On Severi degrees abstract September 13, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR ON GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DAVID KAZHDAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Representations of Kac-Moody algebras and modules over quantum groups overview of the theory abstract September 13, 2011, 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JOE HARRIS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Brill-Noether theory abstract September 12, 2011, 3 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The 3-category of conformal nets background and topological motivation abstract September 08, 2011, 3-5pm at Science Center, Room 507
GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS SEMINAR SARAH KOCH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Twisted Matings of Polynomials abstract September 07, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DANIEL MATHEWS () Sutured Floer homology and TQFT abstract May 13, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR CURT MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Manifolds, topology and dynamics abstract May 11, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY VERA VERTESI () Transverse invariants in Heegaard Floer homology abstract May 06, 2011, 330 PM at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM FLORIAN POP (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA) On the Ihara/Oda-Matsumoto Conjecture abstract May 05, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS IVAN CORWIN (COURANT INSTITUTE NYU) Harmonic analysis of the geometric (tropical) RSK correspondence via Whittaker functions abstract May 05, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TASHO KALETHA (IAS) Simple wild L-packets abstract May 04, 2011, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARTIN OLSON (UC BERKELEY) Borel-Moore homology, cycle maps, and local terms in etale cohomology abstract May 03, 2011, 3 pm at MIT (2-142)
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS JEREMY QUASTEL (UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO) Exact formulas in random growth and directed polymers abstract May 02, 2011, 1030 am at Science Center, Room 232
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JACOB RASMUSSEN (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, AND SIMONS CENTER FOR GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS) Khovanov homology of torus knots abstract April 29, 2011, 11 am at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-MARC FONTAINE (UNIVERSITE' DE PARIS-SUD) p-adic Galois representations and vector bundles on curves abstract April 28, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 309A
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Chain Rule (Continued) abstract April 28, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR PAUL HORN (EMORY UNIVERSITY) Random Processes on Graphs abstract April 27, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS SEMINAR MOON DUCHIN () Flat structures as currents abstract April 27, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ZHIWEI YUN (MIT) Simple Lie groups as motivic Galois groups abstract April 27, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LONGZHI LIN (JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY) Modified mean curvature flow of star-shaped hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space abstract April 26, 2011, 130-300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR QILE CHEN (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Stable logarithmic maps to Deligne-Faltings pairs abstract April 26, 2011, 3 pm at MIT (2-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR () There is no Basic Notions Seminar this week. abstract April 25, 2011, at
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CHRIS WOODWARD (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Quilted Floer theory and fibered Dehn twists abstract April 22, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-MARC FONTAINE (UNIVERSITE' DE PARIS-SUD) p-adic Galois representations and vector bundles on curves abstract April 21, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 309A
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS A. AUFFINGER (NYU) Landscape of random function on many variables via Random Matrix Theory abstract April 21, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Chain Rule in the Calculus of Functors abstract April 21, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ALEXANDER A BEILINSON (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) i p-adic periods and derived de Rham cohomology abstract April 20, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS SEMINAR NATHAN DUNFIELD (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA-CHAMPAIGN) The least spanning area of a knot and the Optimal Bounding Chain Problem abstract April 20, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR FREDERICK DENEF (HARVARD PHYSICS DEPARTMENT) Black hole bound states abstract April 19, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ALEXANDER A BEILINSON (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) p-adic Periods and Derived de Rham Cohomology abstract April 19, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR MIRANDA CHENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The sporadic group M24 and (Mock) Automorphic forms abstract April 18, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY () There is no Gauge Theory Seminar this week. abstract April 15, 2011, at
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TOMER SCHLANK (HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM) Relative Homotopy type and Diophantine Equations/PLEASE NOTICE THE CHANGE IN PLACE AND TIME abstract April 15, 2011, 1 pm at Science Center, Room 309
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-MARC FONTAINE (UNIVERSITE' DE PARIS-SUD) p-adic Galois representations and vector bundles on curves abstract April 14, 2011, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 309A
BRANDIES-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM THOMAS HAINES (MARYLAND/IAS) Endoscopic transfer of the Bernstein center abstract April 14, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS () There is no Random Matrix Seminar this week. abstract April 14, 2011, at
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Tits building and the partition complex, after Arone-Dwyer, II abstract April 14, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR THOMAS J. HAINES (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND AT COLLEGE PARK) Test functions for Shimura varieties with arbitrary level abstract April 13, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR GABOR LIPPNER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quantum Tunneling on Graphs abstract April 12, 2011, 130 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JOE RABINOFF (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Implicitization via harmonic analysis on graphs, non-Archimedean analytic curves, and tropicalization abstract April 11, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR HEPING HE (UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS) Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators in models with multiple change points abstract April 11, 2011, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY BASAK GUREL (VANDERBILT) Conley conjecture for negative monotone symplectic manifolds abstract April 08, 2011, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM BJORN POONEN (MIT) Diophantine subsets of rational numbers abstract April 08, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 309
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ROBIN KOYTCHEFF () Orthogonal Calculus (part 2) abstract April 07, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-MARC FONTAINE (UNIVERSITE' PARIS-SUD) $p$-adic Galois representations and vector bundles on curves abstract April 07, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 221
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS R. KENYON (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Dimers and integrability abstract April 07, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DANIEL KANE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Presentations for Deligne-Lusztig Curves abstract April 06, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DANIEL GREB (ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITAT FREIBURG) Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkahler manifolds abstract April 05, 2011, 3 pm at MIT (2-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEFAN ROSEMANN (INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF JENA (GERMANY)) Yano-Obata conjecture for holomorph-projective transformations abstract April 05, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR LI-SHENG TSENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Similarities between complex and symplectic analysis abstract April 04, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MICHAEL USHER (UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA) Boundary depth and the Hofer norm abstract April 01, 2011, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ROBIN KOYTCHEFF () Orthogonal Calculus/PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF LOCATION abstract March 31, 2011, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 309
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JESSE KASS (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) The local structure of the compactified Jacobian abstract March 29, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR HONGNIAN HUANG (CIRGET UNIVERSITY OF QUEBEC AT MONTREAL) Symmetries of extremal metrics on projective bundles and stability. PLEASE NOTICE THE CHANGE IN TIME. abstract March 29, 2011, 1 - 2 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Tamagawa Numbers Via Nonabelian Poincare Duality abstract March 28, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY PETER ALBERS (PURDUE UNIVERSITY) A variational approach to Givental's nonlinear Maslov index abstract March 25, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM HARVEY M. FRIEDMAN () Algorithmic Unsolvability in Euclidean Geometry abstract March 25, 2011, 4 - 530 PM at Science Center, Room 309
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS M. ADLER (BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY) Dyson's Brownian motions and critical diffusions abstract March 24, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ALEXANDER BERGLUND (UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN) Minimal Koszul Models abstract March 24, 2011, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT NORTHEASTERN MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM MATILDE MARCOLLI (CALTECH UNIVERSITY) Quantum statistical mechanics and anabelian geometry abstract March 24, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DANIEL KANE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Ranks of 2-Selmer Groups of Twists of an Elliptic Curve abstract March 23, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOHN HUBBARD (CORNELL UNIVERSITY) On the density of Strebel differentials abstract March 23, 2011, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR WENXUAN LU (MIT) Instanton Correction, Wall Crossing and Mirror Symmetry of Hitchin's Moduli Spaces abstract March 22, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR LASZLO ERDOS (UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH) Large atoms and molecules in a self-generated magnetic field abstract March 21, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MARK BEHRENS () Derivatives of the identity, ctd abstract March 10, 2011, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS T. AUSTIN (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Some recent advances in Multiple Recurrence abstract March 10, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ABHINAV KUMAR (MIT) K3 surfaces and Hilbert modular surfaces abstract March 09, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR GREGG ZUCKERMAN (YALE UNIVERSITY) Modeling the mind with non-well founded set theory. Please note the change in time. abstract March 08, 2011, 415 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEFFEN MARCUS (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Polynomial Families of Tautological Classes on the Moduli Space of Curves abstract March 08, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY VAIBHAV SURESH GADRE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Bounds for minimal pseudo-Anosov translation lengths in the complex of curves abstract March 04, 2011, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Symmetric powers and the Steinberg module (after Mitchell-Priddy and Arone-Dwyer) abstract March 03, 2011, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS J. DING (BERKELEY) Cover times, blanket times, and the Gaussian free field abstract March 03, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR WEI ZHANG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Fourier transform, period and L-function abstract March 02, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHRISTINA SORMANI (CUNY GC AND LEHMAN COLLEGE) Applications of Intrinsic Flat Convergence abstract March 01, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MIRCEA MUSTATA (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Invariants of singularities in zero and positive characteristic abstract March 01, 2011, 3 pm at MIT (2-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR RACHEL LOUISE EPSTEIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Structure of the Computably Enumerable Sets abstract February 28, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY EDWARD WITTEN () Khovanov Homology and Gauge Theory abstract February 25, 2011, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Hall C
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS () abstract February 24, 2011, at
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MARK BEHRENS () Derivatives of the identity abstract February 24, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR WUSHI GOLDRING (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Galois representations associated to holomorphic limits of discrete series abstract February 23, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHENYANG XU (MIT) Boundaries of Algebraic Varieties abstract February 22, 2011, 3 - 4 PM at MIT (2-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SI LI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Higher genus B-model on the elliptic curve and almost holomorphic modular forms abstract February 22, 2011, 130 - 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR () There will be no seminar due to President's Day abstract February 21, 2011, at
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY STEVEN SIVEK () A bordered Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra abstract February 18, 2011, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DAVID AYALA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Embedding calculus again abstract February 17, 2011, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS LIONEL LEVINE (MIT) Logarithmic fluctuations from circularity abstract February 17, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Refined 3-adic approximations to j(nζ3) abstract February 16, 2011, 3 - 4pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR YAKAR KANNAI (WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE) Kernels associated with second order operators, Sub-Riemannian geometry, and special functions abstract February 15, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR GABOR LIPPNER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Eigenvalue multiplicity and the genus of graphs abstract February 14, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JAMES PASCALEFF () Floer cohomology in the mirror of CP^2 relative to a conic and a line abstract February 11, 2011, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS ALEXEI BORODIN (MIT) Growth of random surfaces abstract February 10, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE () Tangent Bundle Analogy (continued) abstract February 10, 2011, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID ROE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Local Langlands Correspondence for Tamely Ramified Groups abstract February 09, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR AMNON YEKUTIELI (BEN GURION UNIVERSITY) Central Extensions of Gerbes abstract February 08, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR YU-JONG TZENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Counting singular curves on surfaces abstract February 08, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR CHEN-YU CHI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Singularities of hypersurfaces and the image of pluricanonical maps -- a metrical approach abstract February 07, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SERGEY CHERKIS () Yang-Mills Instantons on Asymptotically Locally Flat Spaces and their Moduli Spaces abstract February 04, 2011, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR MARIA ALESSANDRA RAGUSA (UNIVERSITA DI CATANIA) Current regularity problems of Partial Differential Equations abstract February 04, 2011, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE () More on the calculus of functors abstract February 03, 2011, 3 - 5pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS SCOTT SHEFFIELD (MIT) How do you divide your (two dimensional) time? Zippers, necklaces, and quantum gravity abstract February 03, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Refined 3-adic approximations to j(nζ3) abstract February 02, 2011, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANDREW STROMINGER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) From Navier-Stokes to Einstein abstract February 01, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR LARS ANDERSSON (ALBERT EINSTEIN INSTITUTE) The black hole stability problem abstract January 31, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JASON STARR (S.U.N.Y.) Rational points and rational simple connectedness for hypersurfaces in Grassmannians. abstract January 28, 2011, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR PAUL BAUM (PENN STATE UNIVERSITY) Geometric structure in the representation theory of reductive p-adic groups abstract January 26, 2011, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGEI GUKOV (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARABARA) The Verlinde formula via mirror symmetry abstract January 25, 2011, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR JOHN LOFTIN (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Minimal Lagrangian Surfaces in $\mathbb{CH}^2$ abstract December 03, 2010, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YANKI LEKILI (MIT) Fukaya categories of the torus and Dehn surgery on 3-manifolds abstract December 03, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR LYDIA BIERI (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Geometry of Spacetimes Solving the Einstein-Maxwell Equations in general Relativity and Gravitational Radiation abstract December 02, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR D. MEYER () Invariant Peano curves of expanding Thurston maps. abstract December 01, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR EUGEN HELLMANN (BONN UNIVERSITY) On families of filtered phi-modules and crystalline representations abstract December 01, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MING-TAO CHUAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Existence of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections under conifold transitions abstract November 30, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR HORNG-TZER YAU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Random matrices a review of its history and the conjectures by Wigner and Dyson abstract November 29, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR XINWEN ZHU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Determinants, commutators, and the reciprocity laws abstract November 22, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CHRIS WOODWARD (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Quilted Floer theory and fibered Dehn twists abstract November 19, 2010, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR KIRSTEN WICKELGREN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Homotopy Nilpotent Groups abstract November 18, 2010, 4 - 6 PM at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR QILE CHEN (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Logarithmic stable maps to Deligne-Faltings pairs abstract November 18, 2010, 530 pm at Science Center, Room 530
COLLOQUIUM EYAL GOREN (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) Recent developments in the theory of complex multiplication abstract November 18, 2010, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall E
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR GIULIO TIOZZO (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Continued fractions and kneading sequences of unimodal maps abstract November 17, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM HUGH WOODIN (UC BERKELEY) The Search for Mathematical Truth abstract November 17, 2010, 4 - 530 PM at Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall 110
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR EYAL GOREN (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) Curves of genus 2 with complex multiplication abstract November 17, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR HELENE ESNAULT () Lifting of cycle class in crystalline cohomology abstract November 16, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-310)
ADDITIONAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MICHAEL EICHMAIR (MIT) Large isoperimetric surfaces in initial data sets abstract November 16, 2010, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MIRANDA CHENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) K3 surfaces and a Moonshine for Mathieu 24 abstract November 16, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR VAIBHAV SURESH GADRE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Length spectra for pseudo-Anosov maps bounds for low dilatation examples abstract November 15, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM GERALD SACKS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Models of Long Sentences II abstract November 12, 2010, 4 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 309
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEN HU (USTC) On a generalization of the Ricci flow abstract November 12, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DAVID AYALA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Embedding Calculus abstract November 11, 2010, 4 - 6 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ANDREW OBUS (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Lifting Cyclic Extensions abstract November 10, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR RAGNI PIENE (UNIVERSITY OF OSLO) Inflection loci of projective varieties abstract November 09, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR HELENE ESNAULT (UNIVERSITAT DUISBERG-ESSEN) Fundamental groups and connections abstract November 09, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR HELENE ESNAULT (UNIVERSITAT DUISBERG-ESSEN) Rational points and motivic integration abstract November 08, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY TIM NGUYEN (MIT) The Seiberg-Witten Equations on Manifolds with Boundary abstract November 05, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR SOREN GALATIUS () Homology of moduli spaces of manifolds abstract November 04, 2010, 4 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR EVA UHRE () The Mandelbrot set and its deformations abstract November 03, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NIR AVNI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Representations Zeta Functions of Arithmetic Groups abstract November 03, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR DEMETRIOS CHRISTODOULOU (ETH ZURICH) The formation of black holes in vacuum abstract November 02, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR PAUL BOURGADE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Extreme spacings in random spectra abstract November 01, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM RACHEL LOUISE EPSTEIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Definability in the Computably Enumerable Sets abstract October 29, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 309
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY PETER OZSVATH (MIT) Bordered Floer homology and the spectral sequence of a branched double-cover abstract October 29, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDIES-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM SIMON BRENDLE (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Curvature, sphere theorems, and the Ricci flow abstract October 28, 2010, 430 PM at Science Center, Hall A
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM CAMERON FREER (UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII) Invariant measures on countable models abstract October 27, 2010, 400 pm at Science Center, Room 113
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR HUI JUNE ZHU (SUNY BUFFALO/HARVARD) Construction of crystalline representations in families and generalized Serre weights abstract October 27, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR XAVIER BUFF () Transversality for Herman rings abstract October 27, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR ERIC VERLINDE (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM) Counting Dyons, Wall Crossing, and Borcherds Algebra abstract October 26, 2010, 130 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MICHAEL RAPOPORT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Occult period maps abstract October 26, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR VINCENT MONCRIEF (YALE UNIVERSITY) Einstein spaces as attractors for the Einstein flow abstract October 26, 2010, 500 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Knots, links and Khovanov homology abstract October 25, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY STAVROS GAROUFALIDIS (GEORGIA TECH) The Slope Conjecture abstract October 22, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR ALEXANDER GRIGORYAN (UNIVERSITAET BIELEFELD) Exterior differentiations on graphs (work in progress) abstract October 21, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DUSTIN CLAUSEN () The Taylor tower of the stabilization of mapping spaces (after Greg Arone) abstract October 21, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JOEL BELLAICHE (BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY) Critical -p-adic L-functions abstract October 20, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR R. ROEDER () Blaschke products ad renormalization on the diamond hierarchical lattice. abstract October 20, 2010, 4PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR WILLIAM MEEKS (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) Constant mean curvature sphere in homogeneou 3-manifolds abstract October 19, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DUILIU DIACONESCU (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Wallcrossing and Cohomology of The Hitchin System abstract October 19, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-310)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Automorphisms of root lattices abstract October 18, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MOHAMMED ABOUZAID (MIT) A plethora of exotic Stein manifolds abstract October 15, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) More on the Goodwillie derivative of the identity abstract October 14, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DICK GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Parahorics and supercuspidal representations abstract October 13, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LI-SHENG TSENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Primitive elliptic operators on symplectic manifolds abstract October 12, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR KEVIN TUCKER (UNIVERSITY OF UTAH) On the behavior of multiplier ideals and test ideals under finite morphisms in positive characteristic abstract October 12, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC COLLOQUIUM THEODORE A. SLAMAN () Randomness and Mathematical Logic abstract October 08, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 309
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY GENEVIEVE WALSH (TUFTS) Knot commensurability and the Berge conjecture abstract October 08, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MARK BEHRENS () The Goodwillie tower of the Identity abstract October 07, 2010, 4 - 545 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BJORN POONEN (MIT) Random maximal isotropic subspaces and Selmer groups abstract October 06, 2010, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR VAIBHAV GADRE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Singularity of harmonic measures for random walks on the mapping class group. abstract October 06, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Tamagawa Numbers via Nonabelian Poincare Duality abstract October 05, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at MIT (26-310)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR XIAOTAO SUN (INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES) Minimal rational curves on moduli spaces of stable bundles abstract October 05, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR MICHAEL RAPOPORT (MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF BONN) Period domains over finite and p-adic fields abstract October 04, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MARK McLEAN () The growth rate of symplectic homology and algebraic Stein fillings abstract October 01, 2010, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE () Overview of the calculus of functors, continued abstract September 30, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR THOMAS KOBERDA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A ping-pong theorem for the mapping-class group. abstract September 29, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR CHARLES SAMUELS (UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) Polynomials whose reducibility is connected to the Goldbach conjecture abstract September 29, 2010, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SI LI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) BCOV theory on elliptic curve and higher genus mirror symmetry abstract September 28, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAWEI CHEN (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) Geometry of Teichmuller curves abstract September 28, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JOE HARRIS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Galois Groups in Geometry abstract September 27, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY VLADIMIR CHERNOV () Causality, Low conjecture and the partial order on the space of Legendrian spheres abstract September 24, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR () abstract September 23, 2010, 4 9 6 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR YIFENG LIU (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Monge-Ampère equation in non-Archimedean geometry abstract September 22, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEFAN KEBEKUS (MIT) Positivity properties of differentials, the minimal model program, and hyperbolicity of moduli stacks abstract September 21, 2010, 3 - 4 PM at MIT (26-310)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARK HASKINS (IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON) Exceptional holonomy and calibrated submanifolds abstract September 21, 2010, 1230 - 200 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR CURT MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Evolution of Geometric Structures on 3- Manifolds abstract September 20, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ELISENDA GRIGSBY (BOSTON COLLEGE) On Khovanov homology, Heegaard Floer homology, and Gluing abstract September 17, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE () Overview of the calculus of functors, ctd abstract September 16, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL SEMINAR MORITZ GROTH (BONN) Introduction to Grothendieck's Derivators II abstract September 16, 2010, 2 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR LAURA DE MARCO (UIC) Dynamics of cubic polynomials and enumeration of cusps abstract September 15, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR PETER SCHOLZE (BONN) A new approach to the Local Langlands Correspondence for GL_n over p-adic fields abstract September 15, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR BAOSEN WU () Disk-counting of toric Calabi-Yau and mirror symmetry abstract September 14, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL SEMINAR MORITZ GROTH (BONN) Introduction to Grothendieck's Derivators I abstract September 14, 2010, 2 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ABHINAV KUMAR () All the elliptic fibrations on a generic Jacobian Kummer surface abstract September 14, 2010, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR VARIOUS FACULTY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Job Search Seminar abstract September 13, 2010, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE () Overview of the calculus of functors abstract September 09, 2010, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL SEMINAR ROBION KIRBY (UC BERKELEY) A new calculus for 4-manifolds abstract September 08, 2010, 4-5pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MICHAEL RAPOPORT (BONN) Algebraic cycles on Picard moduli spaces of abelian varieties abstract September 08, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JUERGEN JOST (MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICS IN THE SCIENCES) The Bernstein problem for minimal hypersurfaces abstract September 07, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR RYUSHI GOTO (OSAKA UNIVERSITY) Generalized Kahler and Calabi-Yau structures on crepant resolutions of Sasaki-Einstein cones abstract May 25, 2010, 2-330 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BJORN POONEN (MIT) Neron-Severi groups under specialization abstract May 12, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY GIORGIA FORTUNA () Conformal blocks and D-modules on Bun(G) abstract May 11, 2010, 530 PM at MIT (2-190)
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR BJORN POONEN (MIT) Neron-Severi groups under specialization abstract May 11, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Reduction of the rigidity theorem to Gm abstract May 06, 2010, 330 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR PASCAL BOYER (INSTITUTE DE MATHEMATIQUES DE JUSSIEU ) Cohomology of some local and global Shimura varieties abstract May 05, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MAX LIEBLICH (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON) Moduli spaces of sheaves and an effective version of Merkurjev's theorem abstract May 04, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY NICK ROZENBLYUM & GIORGIA FORTUNA () Title 1- Chiral Algebras-III. Title 2- Coinvariants, and how chiral module give rise to D-modules on Bun (G) abstract May 04, 2010, 545 PM at MIT (2-190)
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR PHAM TIEP (UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA) Representations of finite simple groups and applications abstract April 28, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY NICK ROZENBLYUM () Chiral algebras-II abstract April 27, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR PAUL HACKING (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) Mirror Symmetry and deformations of surface singularities abstract April 27, 2010, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YAKOV ELIASHBERG (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Symplectic geometry of Stein manifolds abstract April 23, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ANATOLY PREYGEL (MIT) More on motivic cobordism and HZ abstract April 22, 2010, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS DONG WANG (MICHIGAN) Hermitian matrix model with spiked external source abstract April 22, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR GLENN STEVENS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Eigenvarieties and a Conjecture of Urban abstract April 21, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ANDREI NEGUT AND NICK ROZENBLYUM () I- Proof of the Hecke eigenproperty. II- Introduction to chiral algebras abstract April 20, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at MIT (2-190)
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR RAGNI PIENE (UNIVERSITY OF OSLO) Inflection loci of projective varieties abstract April 20, 2010, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR KRISTEN WICKELGREN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Grothendieck's Anabelian Conjectures abstract April 19, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR EREZ LIEBERMAN-AIDEN (HARVARD & MIT) Physical Analogues of Peano Curves the folding principles of the human genome abstract April 16, 2010, 230 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DAN FREED (UT AUSTIN) A differential index theorem abstract April 16, 2010, 3;30 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERISTY) Back to the Friedlander-Milnor conjecture abstract April 15, 2010, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS OFER ZEITOUNI (MINNESOTA) Non-normal random matrices and convergence to a ring abstract April 15, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR KIRAN S. KEDLAYA (MIT) The universal crystalline representation abstract April 14, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ANDREI NEGUT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Action of groups on categories-II abstract April 13, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR KARL SCHWEDE (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) On the behavior of test ideals for finite separable morphisms abstract April 13, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR SARAH KOCH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Thurston's topological characterization of rational functions abstract April 12, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRIC STRUCTURES IN STRNG THEORY JOEL SMOLLER (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Decay of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for Various Physical Systems Stability of Black Holes abstract April 09, 2010, 440 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CIPRIAN MANOLESCU (UCLA) A combinatorial approach to four-manifold invariants abstract April 09, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS JEFFREY SCHENKER (MICHIGAN) Eigenvector Localization for Random Band Matrices With Power Law Band Width abstract April 08, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
COLLOQUIUM ASSAF NAOR (NYU) L_1 embeddings of the Heisenberg group and fast estimation of graph isoperimetery abstract April 08, 2010, 430 PM at Science Center, Hall D
SPECIAL TALK HARRY NUSSBAUMER (INSTITUTE OF ASTRONOMY, ETH ZURICH) Discovering the Expanding Universe abstract April 07, 2010, 130 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ULRICH TERSTIEGE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Local theory for special cycles on the Shimura variety of $GU(1,2)$ abstract April 07, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANDREW SNOWDEN (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Syzygies of Segre embeddings abstract April 06, 2010, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ALEKSANDER SUBOTIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A monoidal structure for Fukaya categories abstract April 06, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR WEI ZHANG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Absolutely Hodge Cycle abstract April 05, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MANJUL BHARGAVA (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) The average rank of elliptic curves abstract April 02, 2010, 230 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JOHN BALDWIN (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Contact monoids and Stein cobordisms abstract April 02, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS M. HASTINGS (MICROSOFT STATION Q) Quasi-adiabatic continuation and the Topology of Many-body Quantum Systems abstract April 01, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ROBERT POLLACK (BU) Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of modular forms abstract March 31, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS ANATOLY VERSHIK (ST. PETERSBRUG BRACH OF STEKLOV INSTITUTE AND NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY) Random matrices with the group of symmetries and classification of Gromov's triples abstract March 31, 2010, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR KEIJI OGUISO (OSAKA UNIVERSITY) Some remarks on flat projective families with Calabi-Yau fibers abstract March 30, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MAKSYM FEDORCHUK (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Spaces of hyperelliptic curves with AD singularities abstract March 30, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR ARTHUR OGUS () Logarithmic Geometry abstract March 29, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Motivic Cohomology and Chow Groups abstract March 25, 2010, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM BRIAN CONRAD (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Finiteness for Tamagawa numbers abstract March 25, 2010, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JIU-KANG YU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Moy-Prasad theory and Vinberg theory abstract March 24, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR HAO XU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Intersection numbers from ADE singularities abstract March 23, 2010, 130 - 3pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR C. NEWMAN (COURANT INSTITUTE NYU) Ising (Conformal) Fields and Cluster Area Measures abstract March 23, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SAM RASKIN () Hecke eigen property-I the birth of opers abstract March 23, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at MIT (2-190)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR XINWEN ZHU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Integral homology of loop groups via Langlands dual groups abstract March 22, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MU-TAO WANG (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Lagrangian mean curvature flows and isotopy problems abstract March 16, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ERIC RAINS (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Moduli spaces of differential and difference equations abstract March 16, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY BERND AMMANN (UNIVERSITAT REGNESBURG) A surgery formula for the smooth Yamabe invariant abstract March 12, 2010, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS EYAL LUBETZKY (MICROSOFT) Critical slowdown for the Ising model on the two-dimensional lattice abstract March 11, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DUSTIN CLAUSEN () The Conjectural Relation between HQ-modules and Grothendieck's Motives abstract March 11, 2010, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR A. GONCHAROV (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Hodge correlators and Rankin-Selberg integrals abstract March 10, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR KIRAN KEDLAYA (MIT) Resolution of turning points for flat meromorphic connections abstract March 09, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR GABOR LIPPNER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Borel Oracles and parameter testing abstract March 09, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DIMA ARINKIN (UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL) Autoduality of Jacobians for singular curves abstract March 09, 2010, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR XINYI YUAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Preperiodic points and p-adic Calabi theorem abstract March 08, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY EDUARDO GONZALEZ (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON) Area dependence for gauge Gromov-Witten invariants abstract March 05, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The slice filtration for algebraic bordism abstract March 04, 2010, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS GERARD BEN AROUS (COURANT INSTITUTE) Random Matrices and Complexity of Random Morse functions of many variables abstract March 04, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENOIT STROH () Compactification of Siegel varieties at some places of bad reduction abstract March 03, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHRISTIAN SCHNELL (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) Complex-analytic Neron models for families of intermediate Jacobians abstract March 02, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANDREW STROMINGER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Kerr/CFT Correspondence abstract March 02, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR GAVRIL FARKAS (HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITAT) The birational geometry of the moduli space of spin curves abstract March 02, 2010, 430 pm at MIT (26-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR YAKOV SINAI (PRINCETON) Smoothness of solutions of the Navier-Stokes System inside the square abstract March 01, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JEREMY KAHN (STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY) Essential Immersed Surfaces in Closed Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds abstract February 26, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS ANTTI KEMPPAINEN (UNIVERSITE' PARIS-SUD AND UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI) Random curves, scaling limits and Loewner evolutions abstract February 26, 2010, 1 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR CLARK BARWICK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for algebraic K-theory abstract February 25, 2010, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS J. YIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Universality for generalized Wigner matrices abstract February 25, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MATT BAKER (GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Complex dynamics and adelic potential theory abstract February 24, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR VICTOR GUILLEMIN (MIT) Rethinking the role of heat invariants in inverse spectral problems abstract February 23, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CURT MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) K3 surfaces , entropy and glue abstract February 23, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY RYAN REICH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Affine Grassmannian-II geometric Satake equivalence abstract February 23, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR ANTTI KNOWLES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Controlling quantum fluctuations in the mean-field limit abstract February 22, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ZHONGTAO WU (PRINCETON) Cosmetic Surgery Conjecture for S^3 abstract February 19, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS C. BORGS (MICROSOFT) Polya Urns and Convergence of Preferential Attachment Graphs abstract February 18, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Motivic Eilenberg-MacLane Spectrum abstract February 18, 2010, 3-5 pm at Science Center, Room 232
JOINT BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT NORTHEASTERN MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM ZHOUPING XIN (THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG) Mixed Type Equations and Compressible Transonic Flows abstract February 18, 2010, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARK REEDER () Supercuspidal representations and invariant theory abstract February 17, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MBOYO ESOLE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) F-theory and new types of singular fibers for elliptic fibrations abstract February 16, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY RYAN REICH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Affine Grassmannian-I factorization, convolution and fusion abstract February 16, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ALEX SUBOTIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A monoidal structure for Fukaya categories abstract February 12, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS HOI H. NGUYEN (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) On the inverse Littlewood-Offord problem abstract February 11, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ZHIWEI YUN () From automorphic forms to Klooserman sheaves abstract February 10, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MANISH PATNAIK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometry of arithmetic quotients of loop groups abstract February 09, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Overview and recap of Dustin's talk on quantization abstract February 09, 2010, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LOK MING (RONALD) LUI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Computational Differential Geometry and its application to Human Brain Mapping abstract February 09, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR THOMAS SPENCER (PRINCETON) Random band matrices, statistical mechanics and hyperbolic symmetry abstract February 08, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Nonabelian Poincare Duality abstract February 05, 2010, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Applications of the Connectivity Theorem abstract February 04, 2010, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX AND PROBABILITY SEMINARS SIJUE WU (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Wellposedness of the two and three dimensional full water wave problem abstract February 04, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BARRY MAZUR (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Ranks of twists of elliptic curves and Hilbert's Tenth Problem abstract February 03, 2010, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR EKATERINA AMERIK (UNIVERSITE' DE PARIS-SUD) Self-maps and rational points abstract February 02, 2010, 3 pm at MIT (26-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR FRANS PRETORIUS (PRINCETON) Black Hole Mergers abstract February 02, 2010, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARAT ROVINSKY (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) Stable birational invariants with the Galois descent property abstract February 02, 2010, 430 pm at MIT (26-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR BARRY MAZUR (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Hilbert's 10th Problem and Elliptic Curves abstract February 01, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR C. HONGLER (GENEVA) The energy density in the 2D Ising model abstract January 29, 2010, 130 pm at Science Center, Room 232
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS DAN STROOCK (MIT) An old theorem of I.M Segal's in a probabilistic setting abstract January 28, 2010, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SPECIAL SEMINAR DAN MANGOUBI (HEBREW UNIVERSITY) Properties of Eigenfunctions and Harmonic Junctions abstract January 28, 2010, 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR YU-JONG TZENG (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Universal Formulas for Counting Nodal Curves on Surfaces abstract January 26, 2010, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR XIAOFENG SUN (LEHIGH UNIVERSITY) Global Torelli theorem of the Teichmuller space of Calabi-Yau and Hyperkahler manifold abstract January 08, 2010, 230 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID HELM (UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS) Algebraic families of admissible representations of GL_n(Q_p) abstract December 09, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DAVID KAZHDAN () Classical vs. Geometric Langlands abstract December 08, 2009, 530 pm at MIT (2-139)
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DENNIS ERIKSSON (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO) The determinant of the cohomology revisited abstract December 08, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR ANDREW COTTON-CLAY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Symplectic field theory, tightness, and dynamics of vector fields abstract December 07, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR BENJAMIN WEINKOVE (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO) Complex Monge-Ampere equation abstract December 07, 2009, 1 - 2 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR SI LI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Picard Fuchs equations of relative period on Calabi-Yau hypersurface abstract December 04, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Homotopy invariance of the cohomology of special linear groups abstract December 03, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS T. KEMP (MIT) Chaos and the Fourth Moment abstract December 03, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ANDREW KNIGHTLY (UNIVERSITY OF MAINE) Explicit relative trace formulas on GL(2) abstract December 02, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR GIULIO TIOZZO (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The entropy of $\alpha$-continued fractions abstract December 02, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DUSTIN CLAUSEN () Quantization abstract December 01, 2009, 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR GREGORY PEARLSTEIN (MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY) Zero loci of normal functions abstract December 01, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at MIT (26-204)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR CLARK BARWICK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Descent problems for K-theory abstract November 30, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JOHN VOIGHT (UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT) Algebraic curves uniformized by congruence subgroups of triangle groups abstract November 25, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR YNG-ING LEE (NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY) Special solutions to Lagrangian mean curvature flow abstract November 25, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MELISSA LIU (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Coherent-Constructible Correspondence for Toric Varieties and Toric Orbifolds abstract November 24, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MIHNEA POPA (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) BGG correspondence and the cohomology of compact kaehler manifolds abstract November 24, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quantum Langlands abstract November 23, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR HANS SCHOUTENS (NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY) Schemic Grothendieck rings and motivic rationality abstract November 23, 2009, 315 pm at MIT 3-442
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS P. DEIFT (COURANT INSTITUTE) Integrable systems a modern view abstract November 19, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR GENEVIEVE WALSH (TUFTS) Commensurability of knot complements abstract November 18, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR XINYI YUAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Okounkov bodies for arithmetic line bundles abstract November 18, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CRAIG VAN COEVERING (MIT) Asymptotically conical manifolds and the Monge-Amp\'{e}re equation abstract November 17, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOSEPH RABINOFF (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Tropical intersection numbers and canonical subgroups abstract November 17, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at MIT (26-204)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JOSEPH RABINOFF (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Beyond Newton polygons locating the zeros of polynomials over a non-Archimedean field abstract November 16, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Fundamental groups of A^1-invariant sheave (continued) abstract November 12, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS W. DE ROECK (ETH ZURICH) Diffusion of a massive quantum particle in coupled to a thermal medium in dimension $d\geq 4$ abstract November 12, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ANDREI NEGUT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) D-schemesjet schemes and conformal blocks in the commutative case abstract November 12, 2009, 530 - 7pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAN MARGALIT (TUFTS) Small dilatation pseudo-Anosovs and 3-manifolds abstract November 11, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BIANCA VIRAY (BERKELEY) Failure of the Hasse principle for Enriques surfaces abstract November 11, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DUSTIN CLAUSEN () Determinant line bundle and the Kac-Moody extension-II abstract November 10, 2009, 530-8 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR KIRSTEN WICKELGREN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Etale pie1 obstructions to rational points abstract November 10, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR WILFRIED SCHMID (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Hodge theory and unitary representations of reductive Lie groups abstract November 09, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ROMAN BEZRUKAVNIKOV () Hitchin fibration and affine Springer fibers-II abstract November 05, 2009, 530 - 700 pm at MIT (2-139)
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR () abstract November 05, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS C. KING (NORTHEASTERN) Additivity counterexamples in quantum information theory via random matrix methods abstract November 05, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SPECIAL SEMINAR LE DUNG TRANG () Geometry of singular maps abstract November 04, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR RICHARD TAYLOR (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Potential automorphy for n dimensional Galois representations abstract November 04, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANDREW COTTON-CLAY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Holomorphic Pants in R times a Mapping Torus abstract November 04, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR YONG LIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Ricci curvature on locally finite graphs abstract November 03, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DUSTIN CLAUSEN () Infinite-dimensional linear algebra, the determinant line bundle, and Kac-Moody extension abstract November 03, 2009, 530 pm at MIT (2-139)
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DANIEL ERMAN (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY) Deformations of 0-dimensional schemes abstract November 03, 2009, 3 pm at MIT (26-204)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR HAO XU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Intersection theory on moduli spaces of curves abstract November 02, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Fundamental groups of A^1-invariant sheaves abstract October 29, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ROMAN BEZRUKAVNIKOV () Higgs bundles and the Hitchin base-II affine Springer fibers (introduction to the work of B.C. Ngo) abstract October 29, 2009, 530 - 700 PM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS BENEDEK VALKO (WISCONSIN) Scaling limits of the beta-generalizations of classical ensembles abstract October 29, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BEN HOWARD (BC) Hilbert modular surfaces, Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors, and CM points abstract October 28, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR TOBIAS COLDING (MIT) Singularities of mean curvature flow abstract October 28, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEPHANIE YANG (KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOGSKOLAN STOCKHOLM) Tautological rings of moduli spaces of curves abstract October 27, 2009, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Higgs bundles and the Hitchin base-I local triviality of G-bundles (Steinberg's theorem) abstract October 27, 2009, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR KWOK WAI CHAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Ooguri-Vafa Metric, Holomorphic Discs and Wall-Crossing abstract October 27, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR HONRG-TZER YAU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Eigenvalue distributions of random matrices - a dynamical approach abstract October 26, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR RICHARD SCHOEN (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Extremal problems for low eigenvalues and minimal submanifolds abstract October 23, 2009, 130 - 230 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS R. KENYON (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Laplacians on graphs abstract October 22, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY XINWEN ZHU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Global nilpotent cone and flatness of the Hitchin map abstract October 22, 2009, 530 - 7pm at MIT (2-139)
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ANATOLY PREYGEL () The unstable connectivity theorem abstract October 22, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARTIN BRIDGEMAN (BOSTON COLLEGE) The orthospectra of finite volume hyperbolic manifolds with totally geodesic boundary and associated volume identities abstract October 21, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID GERAGHTY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Sato-Tate conjecture for Hilbert modular forms abstract October 21, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JUN LI (STANFORD UNIVERSITY) Degeneration of Hilbert scheme of ideal sheaves and a proof of Goettsche conjecture abstract October 21, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CUMRUN VAFA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY, PHYSICS) Kontsevich-Soibelman Wall Crossing and Topological Strings abstract October 20, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ALINA MARIAN (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) The moduli space of stable quotients abstract October 20, 2009, 3 pm at MIT (26-204)
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY ANDREI NEGUT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Hitchin map, global vs. local abstract October 20, 2009, 530 - 800 pm at MIT (2-139)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR CEDRIC VILLANI (IHP PARIS) Landau damping abstract October 19, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CHARLES LIVINGSTON (INDIANA UNIVERSITY) Topologically slice knots with nontrivial Alexander polynomial abstract October 16, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS VAN VU (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Random Matrices The Universality Phenomenon abstract October 16, 2009, 12 - 1 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR SARAH KOCH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Dynamics of maps on moduli space abstract October 14, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the areas of rational triangles abstract October 14, 2009, 3-4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ZBIGNIEW BLOCKI (JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY) Defining complex Monge-Ampere operator for non-smooth functions abstract October 14, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The loop group and the affine Grassmannian abstract October 13, 2009, 530 - 800 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGIO CECOTTI (SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE SUPERIORE DI STUDI AVANZATI) Yukawa couplings in F-theory and a non-commutative residue formula abstract October 13, 2009, 4 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR WEI HO (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Orbit parametrizations of curves abstract October 13, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SLAWOMIR KOLODZIEJ (JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY) Volume of sublevel sets of plurisubharmonic functions abstract October 13, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ALEXANDER GRIGORYAN (UNIVERSITAT BIELEFELD) On positive solutions of semi-linear elliptic inequalities on complete Riemannian manifods abstract October 09, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LINYUAN LINCOLN LU (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA) A random graph model for complex graphs abstract October 09, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE HARVEY M. FRIEDMAN (OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY) Unprovable Theorems abstract October 08, 2009, 430 - 600 pm at Science Center, Room 221
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY NIR AVNI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The loop group and its action on Bun (G). abstract October 08, 2009, 530 - 7pm at MIT (2-139)
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The A^1 connectivity theorems abstract October 08, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGIO FENLEY (FSU/PRINCETON) Pseudo-Anosov flows and large scale geometry of 3-manifolds abstract October 07, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR WEI ZHANG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) An arithmetic fundamental lemma for the unitary group of three variable abstract October 07, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR LOUIS NIRENBERG (NEW YORK UNIVERSITY COURANT INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES) On Singular Solutions of Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equation abstract October 07, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SAM RASKIN () Contangent space and D-modules on an algebraic stack-III abstract October 06, 2009, 530 - 800 pm at MIT (2-139)
AHLFORS LECTURES PETER LAX (NYU) Degenerate Matrices abstract October 06, 2009, 245 - 345 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR BRIAN LEHMANN (MIT) Pseudo-effective reduction maps abstract October 06, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at MIT (26-204)
JOINT BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT NORTHEASTERN MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM GIOVANNI FELDER (ETH ZURICH) Holomorphic differential operators and the Riemann-Roch-Hirzerburch formula abstract October 01, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall A
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS M. RUDELSON (UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA) Invertibility of random matrices abstract October 01, 2009, 3 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR KIRSTEN WICKELGREN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Suslin's paper On the K-Theory of Algebraically Closed Fields abstract October 01, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR HEE OH (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Equidistribution and Counting for geometrically finite hyperbolic groups abstract September 30, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MATTHIAS SCHUETT (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Arithmetic of Enriques surfaces abstract September 30, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR SAMUEL GRUSHEVSKY (STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY) The geometry of Mg and differentials with real periods abstract September 29, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Categorification of the Fourier Transform abstract September 28, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SAM RASKIN () Cotangent space and D-modules on an algebraic stack-II abstract September 24, 2009, 530 - 7pm at MIT (2-139)
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS IVAN CORWIN (COURANT INSTITUTE) Fluctuations in traffic flow, crystal growth and random matrices abstract September 24, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DUSTIN CLAUSEN () An introduction to the A^1-homotopy category abstract September 24, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT NORTHEASTERN MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM MATTHEW EMERTON (NORTHWESTERN) The growth of cohomology in towers of manifolds abstract September 24, 2009, 430 PM at Science Center, Hall A
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MATTHEW EMERTON (NORTHWESTERN) On the p-adically completed cohomology of Shimura varieties for U(2,2) abstract September 23, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR ERIKO HIRONAKA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Small dilatation pseudo-Anosov mapping classes coming from the simplest pseudo-Anosov braid abstract September 23, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LI-SHENG TSENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Cohomolgoy and Hodge Theory on Symplectic Manifolds abstract September 22, 2009, 130 - 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR YURI TSCHINKEL (NEW YORK UNIVERSITY) K3 surfaces and their higher dimensional analogs abstract September 22, 2009, 3 pm at MIT (26-204)
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SAM RASKIN () Contangent space and D-modules on an algebraic stack-I abstract September 22, 2009, 530 - 800 pm at MIT (2-139)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Self-dual and conjugate-dual Galois representations abstract September 21, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS MIGUEL TIERZ (BRANDEIS) Random matrices, Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials and 1 D exactly solvable models. abstract September 17, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MICHAEL HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Introduction to the Friedlander-Milnor conjecture abstract September 17, 2009, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MATTHEW EMERTON (NORTHWESTERN) Even Galois Representations and the Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture abstract September 16, 2009, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHENYANG XU (MIT) Strong rational connectedness of surfaces and its applications abstract September 15, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CLAY CORDOVA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Decoupling Gravity in F-Theory abstract September 15, 2009, 130 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR IN GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY SAM RASKIN () Cotangent space and D-modules on an algebraic stack-I abstract September 15, 2009, 530-8pm at Science Center, Room 232
SPECIAL SEMINAR JOEL SMOLLER (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR) Linear Waves in the Kerr Geometry abstract September 11, 2009, 1030 am at Science Center, Room 530
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS ANTTI KNOWLES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Recent development on Quantum Brownian Motion abstract September 10, 2009, 3pm at Science Center, Room 232
JOINT BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT NORTHEASTERN MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM JOEL SMOLLER (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR) Expanding Wave Solutions of the Einstein Equations that Induce an Anomalous Acceleration into the Standard Model of Cosmology abstract September 10, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR JACK HUIZENGA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How to count like Michel Chasles (and not like Jacob Steiner) abstract September 10, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TIM DOKCHITSER (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY) On the parity conjecture for elliptic curves abstract September 9, 2009, 3-4PM at SC 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR Alexei Borodin (CALTECH) Interlacing Particle Systems abstract September 3, 2009, 3PM at SC 232
SUMMER TOPOLOGY SEMINAR MARK MAHOWALD (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Homotopy theory of the Kervaire invariant abstract August 10, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR AMNON NEEMAN (MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES INSTITUTE-ANU) A New Approach to Dualizing Complexes abstract May 19, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS J. QUASTEL (TORONTO) Effect of noise on traveling fronts abstract May 14, 2009, 11 am at Science Center, Room 232
WORKSHOP IN STRING THEORY, GENERAL RELATIVITY, AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ERIC ZASLOW (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Constructible Sheaves and the Fukaya Category abstract May 14, 2009, 315 - 415 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR PAOLO ALUFFI (FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY) Unexpected applications of characteristic classes for singular varieties abstract May 12, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM MICHAEL HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Kervaire invariant problem abstract May 11, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR IVAN CHELTSOV (UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH) Alpha-invariants of Fano orbifolds abstract May 11, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR THOMAS KOBERDA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Braids and Their Dilatations The Burau, Gassner and Bigelow representations. abstract May 06, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE ROBERT MERTON (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the Science of Finance in the Practice of Finance Observations on the Financial Crisis abstract May 05, 2009, 1115 - 1230 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-LOUP WALDSPURGER (PARIS) An integral formula related to the local Gross-Prasad conjecture, for tempered representations abstract May 04, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY TIAN-JUN LI (UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA) Symplectic cones of almost complex 4-manifolds abstract May 01, 2009, 230 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR ALEKSANDAR SUBOTIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Elliptic Curve abstract April 30, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR OLGA STROILOVA (MIT) Classification of p-compact groups, part I reflection and realization abstract April 30, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID GERAGHTY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Modularity Lifting Theorems for Nearly Ordinary Galois Representations abstract April 29, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGEY GRIGORIAN () Betti numbers of barely G2 manifolds abstract April 28, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM ALICE GUIONNET (LYON) Random matrices, free probability and enumerations of maps abstract April 27, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL RANDOM MATRIX SEMINAR ALICE GUIONNET (LYON) Large random matrices with heavy tailed entries abstract April 24, 2009, 12 noon at Science Center, Room 232
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JONATHAN WEITSMAN (NORTHEASTERN) Fermionization, convergent perturbation theory, and correlations in quantum gauge theories with cutoffs. abstract April 24, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL PROBABILITY SEMINAR YUVAL PERES (MICROSOFT RESEARCH) Markov chains and embeddings in Hilbert space abstract April 23, 2009, 12 noon at Science Center, Room 232
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR JACK THORNE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Toric Varieties abstract April 23, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR A. BUFETOV () Suspension flows over Vershik's automorphisms abstract April 22, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JOHN DUNCAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Discrete groups and formal series abstract April 22, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR WILLIAM MEEKS (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST) The geometry, regularity and topological properties of CMC laminations and foliations of Riemannian 3-manifolds abstract April 21, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DIANE MACLAGAN (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK) Tropical Bounds on Nef Cones abstract April 21, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JUN YIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Mathematical problems in quantum many-body physics abstract April 20, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY JIM SIMONS (RENAISSANCE TECHNOLOGIES) Structured Bundles and Differential Cohomology abstract April 17, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MAT GELVIN (MIT) Dwyer-Kan obstruction theory abstract April 16, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR DAVID GERAGHTY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Representations of the absolute Galois group of Q abstract April 16, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS YIN JUN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Sine beta process for local statistics of random matrix abstract April 15, 2009, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR CLIFFORD TAUBES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) An introduction to geometric quantization abstract April 15, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JUNECUE SUH (MIT) Nonhomeomorphic conjugates of connected Shimura varieties abstract April 15, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANDREW NEITZKE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Wall-crossing and hyperkahler geometry abstract April 14, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM LYDIA BIERI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Geometric Analysis and General Relativity abstract April 13, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ANDY COTTON-CLAY (MIT) Fixed point bounds for symplectic mapping classes abstract April 10, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM HENRYK IWANIEC (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Is there a ghost in the house of prime numbers? abstract April 09, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR YU-SHEN LIN () Mirror Symmetry and Predicting Enumerative Invariants abstract April 09, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ANATOLY PREYGEL (MIT) p-compact groups The Weyl Group abstract April 09, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS THOMAS LAM (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Random Partitions and random matrices, II abstract April 08, 2009, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR NIMISH SHAH () Limits of expanding translates of shrinking curves on hyperbolic manifolds abstract April 08, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR EDWARD FRENKEL (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY) A rigid irregular connection on the projective line abstract April 08, 2009, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM LI-SHENG TSENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Non-Kahler Geometry abstract April 06, 2009, 3pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY STEFAN FRIEDL (UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK) Symplectic 4-manifolds and fibered 3- manifolds abstract April 03, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) p-Compact Groups Finding a Maximal Torus abstract April 02, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR RYAN REICH (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Evaluating Bezout's Theorem abstract April 02, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR DANIJELA DAMJANOVIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Perturbations of some higher rank unipotent actions abstract April 01, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the rank of elliptic curves with a 2-torsion point abstract April 01, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS THOMAS LAM (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Random Partitions and random matrices, I abstract April 01, 2009, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR VALENTINO TOSATTI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Large Kahler limits of Calabi-Yau metrics abstract March 31, 2009, 130 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ROBERT POLLACK (BU) Fitting ideals of Selmer groups of modular forms abstract March 31, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM DANIJELA DAMJANOVIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Perturbations of some higher rank unipotent actions abstract March 30, 2009, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ZOLTAN SZABO (PRINCETON) Heegaard Floer homology and complete decomposing systems abstract March 20, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR TANYA KOBYLYATSKAYA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Gentle Introduction to Heegaard Floer Homology abstract March 19, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (UNC CHAPEL HILL) Nonsymmetric Bessel Functions Via Spinors (Part II) abstract March 19, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ANDRE HENRIQUES () Towards a Geometric Description of Elliptic Cohomology abstract March 19, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM ZOLTAN SZABO (PRINCETON) Heegaard diagrams and invariants for three-manifolds abstract March 19, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS ARNAV TRIPATHY (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Matrix Integrals and Map Enumeration abstract March 18, 2009, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BRIAN CONRAD (STANFORD) Finiteness theorems for algebraic groups over global function fields abstract March 18, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR A.WILKINSON () Absolute continuity, Lyapunov exponents and rigidity. abstract March 18, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
UPCOMING TALK STEPHEN T. YAU (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO) Explicit construction of moduli space of bounded complete Reinhardt domains in Cn and Hilbert 14th problems abstract March 18, 2009, 2 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAN MANGOUBI (UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL) A Local Version of Courant's nodal domains theorem abstract March 17, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR SHIHOKO ISHII (TOKYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Properties of Jet Schemes abstract March 17, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (UNC CHAPEL HILL) Nonsymmetric Bessel Functions Via Spinors (Part I) abstract March 17, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JOHN DUNCAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Poincare Series abstract March 16, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DANIEL RUBERMAN (BRANDEIS) Seiberg-Witten invariants and periodic Dirac operations abstract March 13, 2009, 330 - 430 at SCience Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR SI LI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Feynman Integrals and Three-fold Invariants abstract March 12, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) p-compact groups Existence of a Nontrivial Torus abstract March 12, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR E. HIRONAKA () Pseudo-Anosov mapping classes with small dilatation constructed from graphs abstract March 11, 2009, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (MIT) Dunkl Operators Under Whittaker Limit abstract March 10, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Connections on algebraic curves abstract March 09, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YI NI (MIT) Non-separating spheres and twisted Heegaard Floer homology abstract March 06, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MICHAEL HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Cohomology of p-compact groups abstract March 05, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR ANA CARAIANI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Stacks for Dummies abstract March 05, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On the restriction of irreducible representations of classical groups abstract March 04, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR R. DEVANEY (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) Dynamics of z n + C/zn Why n=2 is crazy abstract March 04, 2009, 4-5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR EDUARDO ESTEVES (INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE MATEMATICA PURA E APLICADA) Compactified Jacobians and Abel maps for singular curves abstract March 03, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (MIT) Daha in Rank One Inner Product, Links , Limits abstract March 03, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How to Solve Diophantine Equations abstract March 02, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YI-JEN LEE (PURDUE UNIVERSITY) Periodic Floer homology and Seiberg-Witten Floer cohomology abstract February 27, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDIES-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM VAUGHAN JONES (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY) Large N limit of random matrices, free probability and the graded algebra of a planar algebra abstract February 26, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR DAVID ROE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Weil Conjectures abstract February 26, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR D. MARGALIT (TUFTS) Torelli groups and the complex of minimizing cycles. abstract February 25, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DIMITAR JETCHEV (HUDSON RIVER TRADING LLC/IHES) Global divisibility of Heegner points and Tamagawa numbers abstract February 25, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (MIT) Daha in Rank One Gaussians, The Form, Coinvariants abstract February 24, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHI-WANG SHU (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Local discontinuous Galerkin method for surface diffusion and Willmore flow of graphs abstract February 24, 2009, 130 - 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM MARTIN NOWAK AND CORINA TARNITA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Evolutionary Dynamics on Sets abstract February 23, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY TAMAR FRIEDMANN () Orbifold Singularities, Lie Algebras of the Third Kind (LATKes), and Pure Yang-Mills with Matter abstract February 20, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DUSTIN CLAUSEN () Weyl Groups of p-Compact Groups abstract February 19, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDIES-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM ALEXANDER GONCHAROV (BROWN UNIVERSITY) The quantum dilogarithm and quantization of cluster varieties abstract February 19, 2009, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR CHEN-YU CHI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Be Rational, Geometry! abstract February 19, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID KAZHDAN (HUJI) A computation of an endoscopic transform (joint work with Y. Varshavsky) abstract February 18, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR H. OH (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Apollonian circle packings and horospherical flows on hyperbolic 3-manifolds abstract February 18, 2009, 4 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS HONRG-TZER YAU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) FIRST MEETING abstract February 18, 2009, 207 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHRISTINA SORMANI (LEHMAN COLLEGE AND CUNY GRADUATE CENTER) Intrinsic Flat Convergence of Riemannian Manifolds abstract February 17, 2009, 430 - 600 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK (UNC) Daha and Affine Hall Functions abstract February 17, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY INANC BAYKUR (BRANDEIS) Finite group actions and smooth structures on four-manifolds. abstract February 13, 2009, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR SAMIK BASU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Hirzebruch Problem 8 abstract February 12, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Uniqueness of HP ^{infty} and the T functor abstract February 12, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR THOMAS BARNET-LAMB (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Potential automorphy for certain Galois representations to GL(n) abstract February 11, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR BOHAN FANG (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) SYZ transformation and coherent-constructible correspondence for toric varieties abstract February 10, 2009, 130 - 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM THOMAS LAM (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Edrei-Thoma Theorem abstract February 09, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR HAYNES MILLER (MIT) What is a -compact group? abstract February 05, 2009, 4 - 6 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR VALENTINO TOSATTI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Metric Sociology abstract February 05, 2009, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Questions on quadratically recurrent sequences abstract February 04, 2009, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL SPHERICAL AND WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS (A NEW TAKE ON CLASSICAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS) IVAN CHEREDNIK () This is an introduction to the course. Lectures will take place every Tuesday. abstract February 03, 2009, 5 - 630 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SPYROS ALEXAKIS (MIT) Global Conformal Invariants A conjecture of Deser and Schwimmer abstract February 03, 2009, 130 - 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM GERALD SACKS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Infinitely Long Formulas A Short Introduction abstract February 02, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On discriminants and their roots abstract January 07, 2009, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR PAUL SEIDEL (MIT) Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Genus Two Curves abstract December 16, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MICHAEL TEMKIN (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA) Relative Riemann-Zariski Spaces abstract December 16, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR THOMAS KOBERDA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How to Abelianize Groups That Are Difficult to Abelianize abstract December 11, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDIES-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM LAI-SANG YOUNG (COURANT INSTITUTE) Markov towers over chaotic dynamical systems abstract December 11, 2008, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR KATHERINE STANGE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Elliptic Nets abstract December 10, 2008, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR R. MUKAMEL (MIT) Surfaces with Triangular Veech Groups abstract December 10, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE AVRAHAM AIZENBUD (WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE) Gelfand pairs and invariant distributions abstract December 09, 2008, 130 - 230 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR HUAI-DONG CAO (LEHIGH UNIVERSITY) Geometry of Gradient Ricci Solitons abstract December 09, 2008, 130 - 230 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM SHING TUNG YAU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Conserved quantities in classical general relativity abstract December 08, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ANDY NEITZKE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Wall-crossing formulae and hyperkahler geometry abstract December 05, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DAVID NADLER (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Constructible Sheaves and the Fukaya Category abstract December 04, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR MARYANTHE MALLIARIS (UC BERKELEY) Pseudoinfinite Sets abstract December 04, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR S. SHEFFIELD (MIT) Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and scaling limits of discrete random surfaces abstract December 03, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TATHAGATA BASAK (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) A Complex hyperbolic reflection group and the bimonster abstract December 03, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JENIA TEVELEV (UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS) Effective divisors and curves on moduli spaces of curves abstract December 02, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SHLOMO STERNBERG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A report on recent work of Alexeev, Bursztyn and Meinrenken abstract December 02, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR SOPHIE MOREL (INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY) On the cohomology of certain noncompact Shimura varieties abstract November 26, 2008, 3PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR BRUNO DE OLIVEIRA (UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI/ VISITING SCHOLAR HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Symmetric differentials and the geometry of projective varieties abstract November 25, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-231)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LE DUNG TRANG (ICTP TRIESTE ITALY) Rational Polynomials abstract November 25, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS JOE BLITZSTEIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY STATISTICS DEPARTMENT) Random walks on graphs with bottlenecks abstract November 20, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR CARL ERICKSON () Modular Forms and You abstract November 20, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR FUCHENG TAN (MIT) Galois Eigenvarieties abstract November 19, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR N. AVNI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Dynamics on representation varieties -- finite, compact and hyperbolic abstract November 19, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHEN-YU CHI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Pseudonorms and Birational Equivalence abstract November 18, 2008, 145 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR HSIAN-HUA TSENG (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN) Hodge integrals on Hurwitz spaces and Gromov-Witten theory of orbifolds abstract November 18, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM LAUREN WILLIAMS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) What does the non-negative part of a flag variety look like? abstract November 17, 2008, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MATT HEDDEN (MIT) On the knot theory of complex and symplectic curves abstract November 14, 2008, 330 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR JACK HUIZENGA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How to Count Like Schubert abstract November 13, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR SHEEL GANATRA () Derived Fukaya Categories and Lefschetz Fibrations abstract November 13, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS BALINT VIRAG (TORONTO) Large gaps between random eigenvalues and the Brownian carousel abstract November 13, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR J. DUNCAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Fuchsian groups and affine Dynkin diagrams abstract November 12, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR RALPH GREENBERG (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON) Iwasawa Theory and Projective Modules abstract November 12, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR NICOLAOS KAPOULEAS (BROWN UNIVERSITY) The Gluing Constructions of Special Lagrangian Cones abstract November 10, 2008, 4 pm at SCience Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM CLARK BARWICK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Schematic Homotopy Types abstract November 10, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY LAWRENCE ROBERTS (MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY) Knot Floer homology for fibered knots in double branched covers abstract November 07, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR KATY KORNER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Brief Overview of the Philosophy of Mathematics abstract November 06, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MOHAMMED ABOUZAID (MIT) Fukaya categories of open lagrangians in cotangent bundles abstract November 06, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR D. FISHER (INDIANA UNIVERSITY, RADCLIFFE INSTITUTE) The space of discrete linear groups abstract November 05, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARC-HUBERT NICOLE (CENTRE DE MATHEMATIQUES DE JUSSIEU) Purity of level m stratifications abstract November 05, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ARTEM PULEMOTOV (CORNELL UNIVERSITY) The Li-Yau-Hamilton Inequalities and the Yang-Mills Heat Equation abstract November 04, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JAROD ALPER (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Constructing Moduli Spaces of Objects with Infinite Automorphisms abstract November 04, 2008, 300 pm at MIT (4-231)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Using instantons to see the Thurston norm abstract November 03, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CAGATAY KUTLUHAN (MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY) Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and symplectic forms on S1 × M3 abstract October 31, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS MING-JUN LAI (UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA) On Sparsest solutions of underdetermined linear systems abstract October 30, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR CLARK BARWICK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Floer Homotopy and String Topology abstract October 30, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR R. SCHWARTZ (BROWN, HARVARD) Outer billiards and the modular group abstract October 29, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR RACHEL OLLIVIER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY & ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE) Mod p representations of p-adic GL(n) and Hecke modules abstract October 29, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR TAMAR FRIEDMANN (MIT) Orbifold Singularities, The Latke, and Pure Yang-MiIls With Matter abstract October 28, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR WENCHUAN HU (MIT) The topological structure of Chow varieties abstract October 28, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JOE HARRIS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The interpolation problem abstract October 27, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MIKHAIL KHOVANOV (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) How to categorify one-half of a quantum group abstract October 24, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR THOMAS BARNET-LAMB (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How to Vote abstract October 23, 2008, 207 pm at SCience Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (MIT) The Fukaya category II abstract October 23, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
MATH COLLOQUIUM MIKHAIL KHOVANOV (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Categorification of quantum groups abstract October 23, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS A. HARROW (MIT) Random matrices in quantum information theory abstract October 23, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARK BEHRENS (MIT) Orientations and Eisenstein series abstract October 22, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR C. MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Brad groups and Hodge theory abstract October 22, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM NIR AVNI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Motivic Integration abstract October 20, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY KATRIN WEHRHEIM (MIT) Lagrangian correspondences and holomorphic quilts abstract October 17, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MICHAEL HOPKINS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY & ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE) Preliminary construction of the Fukaya category abstract October 16, 2008, 3 - 5pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS S. SHEFFIELD () Liouville Quantum Gravity and KPZ abstract October 16, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
INFORMAL DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY SEMINAR CURT MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Random walks on the hyperbolic plane and barycentric subdivision abstract October 15, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JOEL BELLAICHE (COLLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Endoscopic tempered points on unitary eigenvarieties. abstract October 15, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LIMING GE (UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE) Kadison-Singer Algebras abstract October 14, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MIKIO FURUTA (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND MIT) Torus fibration and localization of Riemann-Roch number abstract October 10, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR AARON SILBERSTEIN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Intersection Homology Saving Poincare Duality abstract October 09, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR CURTIS MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Diophantine numbers in a fixed real quadratic field and Poincaré's periodic portrait abstract October 08, 2008, 3PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR VALENTINO TOSATTI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Kahler-Ricci flow and stability abstract October 07, 2008, 400 - 500 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR AMNON YEKUTIELI (BEN GURION UNIVERSITY) Twisted Deformation Quantization of Algebraic Varieties abstract October 07, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-231)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM CLIFF TAUBES (HARVARD) Inexpensive quantum field theories abstract October 06, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR CLARK BARWICK (HARVARD) The Rognes approach to the algebraic K-theory of the sphere spectrum abstract October 03, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR ERIC WOFSEY () How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Transfinite Induction abstract October 02, 2008, 207 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR ANATOLY PREYGEL (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A_infinity, associahedra, and little disks abstract October 02, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX SEMINARS A. EDELMAN (MIT) The Random Matrix Technique of Ghosts and Shadows abstract October 02, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TOBY GEE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The conjectural relationship between Galois representations and automorphic abstract October 01, 2008, 3PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR WEI SONG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT) Quantum gravity in Three Dimensions abstract September 30, 2008, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR SABIN CAUTIS (RICE UNIVERSITY) Equivalences from Geometric sl2 Actions abstract September 30, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD) Geometric representation theory abstract September 29, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GUAGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY GIOVANNI FORNI (UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND) On the Greenfield-Wallach and Katok conjectures abstract September 26, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX COURSE AND SEMINARS VAHID TAROKH (DEAS, HARVARD) Shannon Theoretic Approach to Sparse Representation, Sparse Signal detection and Compressed Sampling abstract September 25, 2008, 310 pm at Science Center, Room 232
TRIVIAL NOTIONS SEMINAR YI LI () Combinatorics of Hodge Integrals abstract September 25, 2008, 207 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR DENIS AUROUX (MIT) An overview of Lagrangian Floer homology abstract September 25, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TAKAYUKI ODA (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO) Spherical functions of chomological automprphic forms, case sudies for the groups Sp(2,R) and SU(2,2) abstract September 24, 2008, 3PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JANOS KOLLAR (PRINCETON) Cremona transformations and homeomorphisms of topological surfaces abstract September 23, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-231)
SPECIAL LECTURE AT HARVARD HEISUKE HIRONAKA () Resolution of Singularities of Algebraic varieties over characteristic p abstract September 22, 2008, 9 AM at Science Center, Room 507
RANDOM MATRIX COURSE AND SEMINARS JOSE RAMIREZ (UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA AND HARVARD) Diffusion limits of eigenvalues of random matrices abstract September 18, 2008, 310 - 410 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR PAUL SEIDEL () Introduction to the Fukaya category abstract September 18, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR FLORIAN HERZIG (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Weight Cycling and Serre-type Conjectures abstract September 17, 2008, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAVID SPEYER (MIT) Positroid Varieties - a Beautiful Stratification of the Grassmannian abstract September 16, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARK GROSS (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO) Mirror symmetry for P^2 and tropical geometry abstract September 16, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Integral zeta values and the number of automorphic representations abstract September 10, 2008, 3PM at Science Center, Room 232. Please notice change of place for this Wednesday only.
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARK GROSS (UC SAN DIEGO) Mirror symmetry via degenerations abstract September 09, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-231)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JENS HOPPE (KTH STOCKHOLM) Membrane Equations and Singularities abstract June 06, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TOSHIYUKI KOBAYASHI (TOKYO AND HARVARD) Restriction of unitary representations of real reductive groups abstract May 28, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR KIRAN S. KEDLAYA (MIT) Semistable reduction for overconvergent F-isocrystals abstract May 21, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARK REEDER (BC) Pro-p-Sylow subgroups and supercuspidal representations abstract May 14, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR GORDAN SAVIN (UTAH) On the inverse problem in Galois theory abstract May 07, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR PAOLO CASCINI (UC SANTA BARBARA) On the Minimal Model Program abstract May 06, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-149)
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD) State sums and 2 dimensional topological field theories (ctd) abstract May 01, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL EVENT A FILM BY AGNES HANDWERK AND HARRIE WILLEMS () Wolfgang Doeblin- a mathematician rediscovered abstract April 30, 2008, 415 PM at Maxwell Dworkin G115, Harvard University
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ANDREA MILLER (HARVARD) Chow motives of some mixed Shimura varieties abstract April 30, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MIKE ROTH (QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY) Cup products for line bundles on complete flag varieties abstract April 29, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM DAVID JERISON (MIT) Free boundary problems abstract April 28, 2008, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR ROSA SENA-DIAS (MIT) Spectral measure and asymptotics of algebraic metrics on toric varieties abstract April 25, 2008, 330 - 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD) State sums and 2 dimensional topological field theories abstract April 24, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMNAR ROBERT POLLACK (BU) Stickelberger elements of non-ordinary modular forms abstract April 23, 2008, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR ALESSANDRO TOMASIELLO (HARVARD) Generalized Complex Geometry and String Vacua abstract April 22, 2008, 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JAMES BORGER (AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY & UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Witt vectors, Lamb da-rings, and absolute algebraic geometry abstract April 22, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-149)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM WILFRIED SCHMID (HARVARD) L-Functions and functional equations abstract April 21, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY RON STERN (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT IRVINE) Reverse engineering 4-manifolds abstract April 18, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT-NORHTEASTERN JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM RONALD STERN (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE) 4-manifolds, big and small abstract April 17, 2008, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center, Hall D
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SEMINAR SERIES WILFRIED SCHMID (HARVARD) Current Trends in US K-12 Mathematics Education, as Exemplified by TERC's Investigations' Program abstract April 17, 2008, 1 - 2 pm at Science Center, Room 530
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR BRIAN MUNSON (HARVARD) Higher order linking & the Blakers-Massey theorem II abstract April 17, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DINESH THAKUR (IAS) Multi-zeta and related structures in function field arithmetic abstract April 16, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MARCO GUALTIERI (MIT) Constructions of Generalized Kaehler Metrics abstract April 15, 2008, 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CONCETTINA GALATI (UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA) Degenerating curves and surfaces first results and applications to enumerative geometry of curves on surfaces abstract April 15, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM CUMRUN VAFA (HARVARD) Topological Strings abstract April 14, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YONGBIN RUAN (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Written equation and its moduli theory abstract April 11, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR BRIAN MUNSON (HARVARD) Higher order linking & the Blakers-Massey theorem abstract April 10, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR OLIVER BULTEL (HEIDELBERG) PEL moduli spaces without C-valued points abstract April 09, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR GIORGIOS DASKALOPOULOS (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Harmonic Maps Between Singular Spaces abstract April 08, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR RAGNI PIENE (UNIVERSITY OF OSLO) Classifying lattice polytopes via toric fibrations abstract April 08, 2008, 3 pm at MIT (4-149)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM ALBERTO DE SOLE (HARVARD) Hamiltonian equation, their integrals of motion and related algebraic structure. abstract April 07, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ANDRAS STIPSICZ (COLUMBIA) Invariants of Legendrian knots in Heegaard Floer homology abstract April 04, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE (HARVARD) What is pseudoisotopy? (Part 3) abstract April 03, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD) Genus-2 Jacobians with real multiplication via K3 surfaces abstract April 02, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR CRISTIAN GONZALEZ MARTINEZ (TUFTS UNIVERSITY) The Hodge-Poincare polynomial of the moduli space of stable vector bundles abstract April 01, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEPHEN YAU (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - CHICAGO) Classification of Weighted dual graphs with only complete intersection singularities structures abstract April 01, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD) Algebraic topology and topological field theories abstract March 31, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR MAKSIM LIPYANSKI (MIT) A semi-infinite cycle construction of Floer homology abstract March 21, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE (HARVARD) What is pseudoisotopy? (Part 2) abstract March 20, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SEMINAR SERIES TOM JUDSON (HARVARD) High School Calculus in Japan and the United States abstract March 20, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR KAI-WEN LAN (HARVARD) Arithmetic compactifications of PEL-type Shimura varieties abstract March 19, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR FRED VAN DER WYCK (HARVARD) Moduli of curves with prescribed normalization and singularities abstract March 18, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MU-TAO WANG (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) Isometric Embeddings and Quasi-Local Mass abstract March 18, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM TOSHIYUKI KOBAYASHI (HARVARD) Existence Problem of Compact Locally Symmetric Spaces abstract March 17, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY VERONIQUE GODIN (HARVARD) Applications of string topology abstract March 14, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR LASZLO SZEKELYHIDI (UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN HUNGARY) Spectral Analysis and Spectral Synthesis abstract March 13, 2008, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 232
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE (HARVARD) What is pseudoisotopy? (Part 2) abstract March 13, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MICHAEL HARRIS (JUSSIEU) Endoscopic transfer and theta correspondences for close unitary groups abstract March 12, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JIXIANG FU (FUDAN UNIVERSITY P. R. CHINA) Solving the strominger system for non-kahler complex manifolds abstract March 11, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD- MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR KLAUS HULEK (UNIVERSITY OF HANNOVER) Moduli of polarized symplectic manifolds abstract March 11, 2008, 3 pm at MIT ( 4-149)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM BEN WEINKOVE (HARVARD) The Calabi-Yau equation abstract March 10, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR MIKE HOPKINS (HARVARD) Algebraic topology of topological fields abstract March 07, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR ZHIGANG SUO (SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, HARVARD.) Mechanics of soft active materials abstract March 06, 2008, 230 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 507
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR TOM GOODWILLIE (HARVARD) What is pseudoisotopy abstract March 06, 2008, 330 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL SEMINAR PETER MARCH (DIRECTOR OF THE NSF DIVISION OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES.) An overview of NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences abstract March 05, 2008, 4 - 5 pm at Maxwell Dworkin 115
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR SUG WOO SHIN (IAS) Galois representations arising from some compact unitary Shimura varieties abstract March 05, 2008, 3 - 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOHN LOFTIN (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Affine Hermitian-Einstein Metrics abstract March 04, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR STEVEN KLEIMAN (MIT) The Canonical model of a singular curve abstract March 04, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM MARTIN NOWAK (HARVARD) Evolutionary dynamics abstract March 03, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR ANDREEA NICOARA (HARVARD) Equivalence of types abstract February 29, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM HENRI DARMON (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) Rational points on elliptic curves and cycles on Shimura varieties abstract February 28, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
THE THURSDAY SEMINAR VERONIQUE GODIN (HARVARD) Review of equivariant Morse theory and geodesics abstract February 28, 2008, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR SKIP GARIBALDI (EMORY) Dense orbits and Spin groups abstract February 27, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SPIRO KARIGIANNIS (OXFORD UNIVERSITY) G-2 Manifolds with isolated conical singularities abstract February 26, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAN ABRAMOVICH (BROWN UNIVERSITY) Counting curves with tangency conditions comparison of approaches abstract February 26, 2008, 3 pm at MIT ( 4-149)
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD) Knots, slice genus and knot homologies abstract February 25, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR DYLAN THURSTON (BARNARD COLLOGE) Using Combinatorial Link Floer Holomology to Detect Transverse Knots abstract February 22, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM PETER SARNAK (PRINCETON) Equidistribution and primes abstract February 21, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR WEE TECK GAN (UCSD) Formal degree and local theta correspondence abstract February 20, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR YONGBIN RUAN (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN) Dichotomy of uniruled submanifold in symplectic geometry abstract February 19, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ILYA TYOMKIN (MIT) Tropical curves, toric stacks, and enumerative geometry abstract February 19, 2008, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM THOMAS LAM (HARVARD) Graphs, towers, and categorifying Hopf algebras abstract February 18, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY CHRIS BEASLEY (HARVARD) More About Localization For Wilson Loops in Chern-Simons Theory abstract February 15, 2008, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR CECILIA BUSUIOC (BU) Eisenstein Cohomology, The Steinberg Symbol and Special Values of L-functions. abstract February 13, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR FRANCISCO MARTIN (UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA- SPAIN) Complete proper minimal sufaces in bounded domains of R^3 abstract February 12, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGEY GRIGORIAN (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - UNITED KINGDOM) Local Geometry of the G2 Moduli Space abstract February 12, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR IVAN CHELTSOV (UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH) Birational automorphisms and alpha-invariants abstract February 12, 2008, 3 pm at MIT 4-149
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM HORNG-TZER YAU (HARVARD) A review on regularity of axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations abstract February 11, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR YUM-TONG SIU (HARVARD) Analytic techniques in algebraic geometry and algebraic-geometric techniques in analysis. abstract February 08, 2008, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD) Some supercuspidal parameters for p-adic groups and their formal degrees abstract February 06, 2008, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR JIN-YI CAI (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON) The Permanent and Determinant Problem abstract February 05, 2008, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR OVIDIU PASARESCU (INST. OF MATHEMATICS OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY AND COLORADE STATE.) On the classification of embedded curves abstract February 05, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JOE HARRIS (HARVARD) Galois Groups of Enumerative Problems abstract February 04, 2008, 3 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ATSUSHI ICHINO (OSAKA CITY UNIVERSITY AND IAS) Formal degrees and adjoint gamma factors abstract January 30, 2008, 3-4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR SEBASTIAN CASALAINA-MARTIN (HARVARD) The moduli space of cubic threefolds via degenerations of the intermediate Jacobian abstract December 18, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR () NO SEMINAR abstract December 17, 2007, at
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR LENHARD NG (DUKE UNIVERSITY) Knot contact homology and string topology abstract December 14, 2007, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS KOBI KREMNIZER () Lattice algebras and their chiral homology ll abstract December 13, 2007, 3-5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR J. BELLAICHE (COLUMBIA/ BRANDEIS) Non smooth classical point on Eigenvarieties abstract December 12, 2007, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAVID SMYTH (HARVARD) Compact Moduli of Singular Curves abstract December 11, 2007, 300 pm at MIT (2-142)
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC SEMINAR ALLEN KNUTSON (UC BERKELEY) Branch varieties and automatically reduced flat limits abstract December 11, 2007, 430 pm at MIT (2-142)
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR MARK BEHRENS (MIT) Stable homotopy groups of spheres and modular forms abstract December 10, 2007, 3- 4 PM at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE IN HONOR OF LEONHARD EULER'S 300TH BIRTHDAY WILLIAM DUNHAM (MUHLENBERG COLLEGE) Euler's Amicable Numbers abstract December 10, 2007, 4 pm at Maxwell Dworkin G-115
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR CUMRUN VAFA (HARVARD) Free fermions and topological strings abstract December 07, 2007, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS SEMINAR ANDREJ ZLATOS (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Dissipation Enhancement by flows in 2D abstract December 07, 2007, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS KOBI KREMNIZER () Lattice algebras and their chiral homology abstract December 06, 2007, 3- 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TEACHING SEMINAR Carol Findell (BOSTON UNIVERSITY) How Can a Teacher Become an Expert Teacher? abstract December 06, 2007, 100-200 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR CHRISTOPHE BREUIL (IHES/ COLUMBIA) From Diamond-Serre weights to representations of GL2(F) abstract December 05, 2007, 3-4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JAROSLAW WLODARCZYK (PURDUE) Resolution algorithm in characteristic zero and its possible extension in positive characteristic abstract December 04, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR YANIR RUBINSTEIN (MIT) Some discretizations of geometric evolution equations abstract December 04, 2007, 430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR DANIJELA DAMJANOVIC (HARVARD) Stability of some abelian actions abstract December 03, 2007, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY WEIMIN CHEN (UMASS, AMHERST) Symmetry groups of exotic K3 surfaces abstract November 30, 2007, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS SEMINAR A. PIZZO (ETH/ ZURICH) Multi-scale methods in atomic physics abstract November 30, 2007, 330 pm at MIT 2- 136
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD) The chiral de Rhan complex and BRST cohomology abstract November 29, 2007, 3-5 pm at
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BJORN POONEN (BERKELEY) The Brauer-Manin obstruction for subvarieties of abelian varieties over function fields abstract November 28, 2007, 3-4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR SERGIO LUKIC (RUTGERS UNIVERSITY) Some balanced metrics, quantization and path integrals abstract November 27, 2007, 130 pm at Science Center, Room 232
HARVARD -MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JUNECUE SUH (MIT) Plurigenera of general type surfaces in mixed characteristic abstract November 27, 2007, 300 pm at MIT (2-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR LYDIA BIERI (HARVARD) An extension of thie stability theorem of the Minkowski Space in general relativity abstract November 27, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS SEMINAR () NO SEMINAR abstract November 26, 2007, at
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR PENG PENG YU (DARTMOUTH COLLEGE) Studies of the limiting behavior of the Liu-Yau Quasi-Local Energy abstract November 20, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD) How many points can a genus-2 curve have? abstract November 20, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR RAVI VAKIL (STANFORD) Reimagining universal covers and fundamental groups in algebraic and arithmetic geometry abstract November 20, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
BASIC NOTIONS PAUL SEIDEL (MIT) Pair of Pants abstract November 19, 2007, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
COLLOQUIUM WILLIAM MINICOZZI (JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY) The rate of change of width under flows abstract November 15, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall A
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS JOHN FRANCIS (HARVARD) Chiral homology of chiral envelopes abstract November 15, 2007, 3- 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR LUIS DIEULEFAIT (BARCELONA) Remarks on Serre's modularity conjecture abstract November 14, 2007, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MATTHIAS SCHUETT (HARVARD) Calabi-Yau threefolds as fibre products of rational elliptic surfaces abstract November 13, 2007, 300 pm at MIT (2-142)
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR TAO LUO (WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE) Dynamical stability of rotating stars of compressible fluids with applications to white dwarfs abstract November 13, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS /MATH PHYSICS SEMINAR WEI-MIN WANG (UNIVERSITE' PARIS-SUD) Bounds on Sobolev Norms for Time Dependent Schrödinger Equations abstract November 09, 2007, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR CHRIS BEASLEY (HARVARD) Localization for Wilson loops in Chern-Simons theory abstract November 09, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SPEAKER SERIES SEMINAR Jon Star (HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION) Improving Students' Flexibility in Algebra The Benefits of Comparison abstract November 08, 2007, 100 pm at Science Center, Room 530
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SEMINAR SERIES JON STAR (HARVARD) Improving Students' Flexibility in Algebra The Benefits of Comparison abstract November 08, 2007, 1-2 pm at Science Center, Room 530
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS JACOB LURIE (HARVARD) Chiral homology of commutative chiral algebras abstract November 8, 2007, 3- 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR PIERRE CHAROLLOIS (JUSSIEU) On the argument of Stark units and periods of Hilbert modular forms. abstract November 07, 2007, 3- 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR DENIS AUROUX (MIT) Mirror symmetry in the complement of an anticanonical divisor abstract November 06, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MIHALIS DAFERMOS (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE) The stability problem for black hole spacetimes in general relativity abstract November 06, 2007, 2 pm at Science Center, Room 232
BASIC NOTIONS / FACULTY COLLOQUIUM BENEDICT GROSS (HARVARD) On the parameters of discrete series abstract November 05, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY LYDIA BIERI (HARVARD) An extension of the stability theorem of the Minkowski space in general relativity. abstract November 02, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS JOHN FRANCIS (HARVARD) Chiral homology abstract November 01, 2007, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID WHITEHOUSE (MIT) Applications of the relative trace formula to central L-values abstract October 31, 2007, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR MAC CONAMHNA OISIN (IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON) Singularity resolutions by m-theory fivebranes-calibrated geometry, >ads solutions and special holonomy metrics abstract October 30, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MAKSYM FEDORCHUK (HARVARD) Linear sections of the Severi variety and moduli of curves abstract October 30, 2007, 300 pm at MIT (2-142)
BASIC NOTIONS/ FACULTY COLLOQUIUM SLAVA KRUSHKAL (VISITING HARVARD) The chromatic polynomial. The golden ratio and quantum topology abstract October 29, 2007, 300-400 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY MOHAMMED ABOUZAID (MIT) On homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties abstract October 26, 2007, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS/MATH PHYSICS SEMINAR HANS CHRISTIANSON (MIT) Phase space analysis near periodic orbits abstract October 26, 2007, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 26, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS DENNIS GAITSGORY (HARVARD) Chiral differential operations abstract October 25, 2007, 3-5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN- PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 24, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-FRANCOIS BURNOL (LILLE) Relativistic causality and functional equations abstract October 24, 2007, 3 - 4 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD MATHEMATICAL LOGIC SEMINAR PETER CHOLAK (UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME) Coding, Orbits and Computably Enumerable Sets abstract October 23, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR BJORN ANDREAS (HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY-BERLIN) Fourier-Moukai transforms and spectral covers for K3 fibrations abstract October 23, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JOE HARRIS (HARVARD) Uniformity of Rational Points on Curves abstract October 22, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 19, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY BRIAN MUNSON (HARVARD) Link maps and linking for arbitrary manifolds abstract October 19, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS MATH / PHYSICS SEMINAR PETER SHORE (MIT) Matrix product states and simulating spin chains abstract October 19, 2007, 330 pm at MIT
CHIRAL ALGEBRAS SEMINAR JOHN DUNCAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Chiral algebras versus vertex algebras who will triumph? abstract October 18, 2007, 3 - 5 pm at Science Center, Room 507
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SPEAKER SERIES SEMINAR HEATHER HILL (HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION) Well Enough to Teach It What More Does It Take? abstract October 18, 2007, 100 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BRIAN CONRAD (MICHIGAN) Non-archimedean analytification of algebraic spaces abstract October 17, 2007, 300-400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 17, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD-MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR DAWEI CHEN (HARVARD) Mori's program on the Kontsevich space of stable maps abstract October 16, 2007, 300 pm at MIT 2-142
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR CHIEN-HAO LIU (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Azumaya-Type noncommutative spaces and morphisms therefrom Polchinski's d-brane in string theory from grothedieck's viewpoint abstract October 16, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM RICHARD TAYLOR (HARVARD) Shimura Varieties and Rapoport-Zink Space abstract October 15, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS/MATH PHYSICS SEMINAR TODD KEMP (MIT) Semigroup contraction properties for q-Gaussian processes abstract October 12, 2007, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DUONG PHONG (COLUMBIA) Monge-Ampere equations and Donaldson geodesic rays abstract October 12, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 12, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS JACOB LURIE (HARVARD) Lie-* algebras, chiral envelopes and examples abstract October 11, 2007, 3 - 5 PM at Science Center, Room 507
BRANDEIS-HARVARD-MIT-NORTHEASTERN JOINT COLLOQUIUM D.H. PHONG (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) The Kahler-Ricci flow and stability abstract October 11, 2007, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JUNECUE SUH (MIT) Newton integral motives over finite fields questions of Serre and of Katz abstract October 10, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract October 10, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR ANGELA GIBNEY (U PENN) A new candidate for the nef cone of the moduli space of n-pointed curves of genus g abstract October 09, 2007, 300 pm at MIT 2-142
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR GABOR SZEKELYHIDI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) OptimalTest-Configuratin for toric varieties abstract October 09, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SLAVA KRUSHKAL (UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA) Algebraic and geometric duality in dimension 4 abstract October 05, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT MIT-HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR JUERG FROEHLICH () abstract October 05, 2007, 400 pm at Jefferson, Room 453, Harvard
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS SCOTT CARNAHAN () TBA abstract October 04, 2007, 300 - 500 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR PING AO (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON) abstract October 03, 2007, 1210 pm at Science Center, Room 530
INFORMAL SEMINAR MARYAM MIRZAKHANI (PRINCETON) Analogies between moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces and negatively curved manifolds abstract October 03, 2007, 400-600 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARK WATKINS (BRISTOL UNIVERSITY) Ranks of elliptic curves abstract October 03, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR BJOERN SCHMEKEL (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quasi-Local energy and other related problems in general relativity abstract October 02, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD/MIT ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR MONTSERRAT TEIXIDOR I BIGAS (TUFTS) Maps between moduli spaces of vector bundles and the theta divisor abstract October 02, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM CLIFFORD TAUBES (HARVARD) Smooth Manifolds in Dimension 4 abstract October 01, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY ALVARO PELAYO (MIT) Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds abstract September 28, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SERIES OF LECTURES BY SERRE JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract September 28, 2007, 9-10 AM at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT MIT-HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR ENNO LENZMANN (MIT) Dynamical evolution of self-gravitating relativistic matter in Hartree theory abstract September 28, 2007, 330 pm at Science Center, Room 232
SEMINAR ON CHIRAL ALGEBRAS JACOB LURIE () Review of Algebraic D-modules abstract September 27, 2007, 330 - 530 pm at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JEAN-PIERRE SERRE (COLLEGE DE FRANCE) Examples of discrete rotation groups in 3- space abstract September 26, 2007, 300 - 400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR BJORN POONEN (UC BERKELEY) Existence of rational points on smooth projective varieties abstract September 25, 2007, 300 -400 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR PAN PENG (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) On a proof of the Labastida-Marino-Ooguri-Vafa Conjecture abstract September 25, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Room 507
ANALYSIS SEMINAR BENJAMIN SCHLEIN (MUNICH AND UNIV CAMBRIDGE) Hartee approximation for the dynamics of mean field systems abstract September 21, 2007, 330 pm at MIT 2-136
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BYOUNG DU KIM (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Iwasawa theory and the parity conjecture for non-ordinary reduction primes abstract September 19, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY SEMINAR JOSEPH LANDSBERG (TEXAS A&M) Rigidity of homogeneous vrieties abstract September 18, 2007, 300-400 pm at MIT 2-142
SPECIAL SEMINAR Abe Othman, Ben Conlee and Chris Yetter (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The contest modeling problem abstract May 11, 2007, 2PM at Sci Center 232
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY, INFORMAL SEMINAR CURTIS MCMULLEN (HARVARD) Complex dynamics on the unit disk measures, multipliers and R-trees abstract May 09, 2007, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY PETER KRONHEIMER (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) knot homologies from singular instantons abstract May 04, 2007, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
COLLOQUIUM AKSHAY VENKATESH (COURANT INSTITUTE, NYU) Effective equidistribution on homogeneous spaces abstract May 03, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY, INFORMAL SEMINAR SHIMON BROOKS (PRINCETON) Halfway to quantum unique ergodicity abstract May 02, 2007, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR CHUNG PANG MOK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Exceptional Zero Conjecture for Hilbert modular forms abstract May 02, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY FANGYUN YANG (MIT) An index theorem for Dirac operators on manifolds with conic singularities abstract April 27, 2007, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 309
COLLOQUIUM VENKATESAN GURUSWAMI (UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON) Reed-Solomon codes, low-degree automorphisms, and error-correction with optimal rate. abstract April 26, 2007, 430 PM at Science Center, Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BENJAMIN HOWARD (BOSTON COLLEGE) A twisted Gross-Zagier theorem and applications to Hida theory abstract April 25, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY, INFORMAL SEMINAR Danijela Damjanovic (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Litlewood's conjecture and SL_3(R)/SL_3(Z) abstract April 25, 2007, 400 PM at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID KAZHDAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY/HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM) Alain Connes formulation of the Andre Weils theorem abstract April 18, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY EAMAN EFTEKHARY (HARVARD) Heegard Floer homology and existence of incompressible tori abstract April 13, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
INFORMAL SEMINAR LIOR SILBERMAN (HARVARD) Measure rigidity for Cartan actions the low-entropy method abstract April 11, 2007, 4 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR ADRIANO MARMORA (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) p-adic local constants abstract April 11, 2007, 300pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM BARRY MAZUR (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Transcendence conjectures about units in algebraic number fields and deformation problems abstract April 09, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SEMINAR SERIES Bret Benesh (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) How students use books abstract April 06, 2007, 230 - 330 pm at Science Center, Room 309a
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YI NI (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Knot Floer homology detects fibered knots abstract April 06, 2007, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
COLLOQUIUM CLAIRE VOISIN (INSTITUTE DE MATHEMATIQUES DE JUSSIEU) Hodge loci and absolute Hodge classes abstract April 05, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center, Hall D
SPECIAL TOPOLOGY SEMINAR MAHMOUD ZEINALIAN (LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY) Closed string TCFT for Calabi-Yau elliptic spaces abstract April 05, 2007, 200 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JARED WEINSTEIN (BERKELEY) Local Langlands and the stable reduction of modular curves abstract April 04, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DYNAMICS AND GEOMETRY/ INFORMAL SEMINAR JASON BEHRSTOCK (UTAH) Asymptotic geometry of the mapping-class group abstract April 04, 2007, 400 pm at Science Center, Room 530
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM DAN STROOCK (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Most of DeGiorgi-Moser-Nash was already in Nash abstract April 02, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY PEDRAM SAFARI (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Gluing Seiberg-Witten monopoles an outline abstract March 23, 2007, 330- 430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
DINAMICS AND GEOMETRY INFORMAL SEMINAR DIMITRY KLEINBOCK (BRANDEIS) abstract March 21, 2007, 400 pm at Science Center, Room 530
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR MARK KISIN (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Canonical integral models of shimura varieties abstract March 21, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM JOHN DUNCAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Vertex algebra and elliptic genera abstract March 19, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY HEE-JUNG KIM (MCMASTER UNIVERSITY) Topological triviality of smoothly knotted surfaces in 4-manifolds abstract March 16, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR BRUNO KINGLER (UNIVERSITE PARIS 7) On the Andre-Oort conjecture abstract March 14, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM DAVID KAZHDAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Poisson summation formula and its applications to the representation theory abstract March 12, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
TEACHING SEMINAR Tom Roby (UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT) BL and the (Arnold) Ross Program abstract March 09, 2007, 200-300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DANIEL RUBERMAN (BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY) Heegard-Floer meets Casson-Gordon abstract March 09, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
SPECIAL LECTURE VLADIMIR VOEVODSKY () Motivic Eilneberg-MacLane spaces abstract March 08, 2007, 300 - 430 pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR TERUYOSHI YOSHIDA (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Converse of the weight-monodromy conjecture abstract March 07, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY YI NI (PRINCETON) Knot Floer homology detects fibered knots. abstract March 06, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM GERALD SACKS (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Differentially closed fields abstract March 05, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY KARL LUTTINGER () abstract March 02, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR LIOR SILBERMAN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Equidistribution of Hecke Eigenforms abstract February 28, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
SPECIAL LECTURE VLADIMIR VOEVODSKY () Motivic Eilenberg MacLane spaces abstract February 27, 2007, 1000-1130 am at Science Center, Room 232
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM NOAM ELKIES (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Belyi functions abstract February 26, 2007, 3pm at Science Center, Room 507
LOGIC SEMINAR PETER CHOLAK (UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME) Classical Recursion Theory abstract February 26, 2007, 400 PM at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY TIM PERUTZ (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY) Symplectic models for gauge theory on 3- and 4-manifolds with singular fibrations abstract February 23, 2007, 330-430 pm at Science Center, Room 309
JOINT COLLOQUIUM DANIEL TATARU (UC BERKELEY) Long term dynamics for wave and Schroedinger evolutions on a curved background abstract February 22, 2007, 430 pm at Science Center D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JONATHAN POTTHARST (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Triangulordinary Selmer groups abstract February 21, 2007, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY DANIJELA DAMJANOVIC (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Rigidity of higher-rank abelian actions review of some results, questions and methods abstract February 16, 2007, 330-430p.m. at Science Center, Room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR JACOB LURIE (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) p-Divisible Groups in Algebraic Topology abstract February 14, 2007, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM CURT MCMULLEN (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Thermodynamics, dimension and moduli of Riemann surfaces abstract February 12, 2007, 3 PM at SC 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR MATT HEDDEN (MIT) On knot Floer homology and complex curves abstract February 09, 2007, 330-430 p.m. at Science Center, Room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR DAVID KAZHDAN () 2-dimentional Hecke operators abstract February 07, 2007, 300-400 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Arthur Jaffe (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Quantization and Renormalization abstract February 05, 2007, 300 p.m. at Science Center, Room 507
LECTURE SERIES Vladimir Voevodsky (IAS) Motives and Motivic Homotopy abstract December 19, 2006, 100-300 PM at Science Center, Room 232
FACULTY COLLUQUIUM Benedict Gross (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Binary cubic forms and ternary quadratic forms classifying the orbits of some group actions. abstract December 18, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY Zoltan Szabo (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Knot Floer homology and combinatorical constructions abstract December 15, 2006, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 309
LECTURE SERIES Vladimir Voevodsky (IAS) Motives and Motivic Homotopy abstract December 14, 2006, 1100am-100pm at Science Center, Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR John Duncan () Modular functions and sporadic simple groups abstract December 13, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
LECTURE SERIES Vladimir Voevodsky (IAS) Motives and Motivic Homotopy abstract December 12, 2006, 100-300 PM at Science Center, Room 232
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Ilya Zharkov (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Tropical curves and their Jacobians abstract December 12, 2006, 430-530 PM at Scienc Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY John Sullivan (BERLIN) Rope length criticality for knots and links abstract December 08, 2006, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 309
JOINT MIT/HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR Youngmi Hur () Novel methodologies for effective wavelet constructions in high dimensions abstract December 08, 2006, 330 PM at Science Center, Room 221
LECTURE SERIES Vladimir Voevodsky (IAS) Motives and Motivic Homotopy abstract December 07, 2006, 1100AM-100PM at Science Center, Room 232
COLLOQUIUM David Eisenbud (MSRI AND UC BERKELEY) From Polynomial Interpolation to the Complexity of Ideals abstract December 07, 2006, 430 PM with tea at 400 PM at Science Center, Hall D
SPECIAL SEMINAR Bernd Sturmfels (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY) Semigraphoids, Permutohedra, and Mice abstract December 06, 2006, 400 PM at Maxwell Dworkin, Rm. 115, 33 Oxford St.
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Jean-Francois Dat (UNIVERSITY OF PARIS 13) Non-abelian Lubin-Tate theory and elliptic representations abstract December 06, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Cumrun Vafa (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Black Hole Entropy and Topological String abstract December 05, 2006, 430-530 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM David Helm (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Reduction of Shimura varieties and the Langlands program abstract December 04, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Elizabeth Denne (HARVARD) Simple closed curves in the plane have inscribed squares abstract December 01, 2006, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 309
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Marie-France Vigneras (PARIS 7 AND RADCLIFFE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES) On the Colmez functor abstract November 29, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Horng-Tzer Yau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Brownian Motion in Quantum Mechanics abstract November 27, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lecture X abstract November 21, 2006, 200-400 PM at MIT, Room 4-370
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Ben Weinkove (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Kahler-Einstein metrics and Moser-Trudinger type inequalities abstract November 21, 2006, 430-530 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Shing-Tung Yau (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Hermitian metrics on complex manifolds and vector bundles abstract November 20, 2006, 3 PM at Science Center, Room 507
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION SEMINAR SERIES Patrick Bahls (UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, ASHEVILLE) Change of Basis Inquiry-Based Linear Algebra abstract November 17, 2006, 330-430 PM at Science Center, Room 110
CDM CONFERENCE Laurent Clozel, Kenneth Ribet, Paul Seidel, Yakov Sinai, Terence Tao, Edward Witten () Program details abstract November 17, 2006, Start 115 PM at Science Center, Hall D
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lecture IX abstract November 16, 2006, 300-500 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Noam D. Elkies (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Which bilinear recurrences give theta sequences? abstract November 15, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Clifford Taubes (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A proof of the Weinstein conjecture in dimension 3 abstract November 14, 2006, 430-530 PM at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM Samit Dasgupta (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Conjectures on Hilbert's 12th problem abstract November 13, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lecture VIII abstract November 09, 2006, 300-500 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Sug Woo Shin () Counting points on Igusa varieties abstract November 08, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Denis Auroux (M.I.T.) The canonical pencils of Horikawa surfaces. abstract November 07, 2006, 430-530 PM at Science Center, Room 507
HARVARD COLLOQUIUM (BASOC NOTIONS) Joe Harris (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Specialization Methods in Algebraic Geometry abstract November 06, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
JOINT MIT/HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR Tsai Tai-Peng (UBC) Asymptotic stabolity of harmonic maps under the Schr/odinger flow abstract November 03, 2006, 330 PM at MIT
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY Tom Coates (IMPERIAL COLLEGE) Lagrangian Cones and Mirror Symmetry abstract November 03, 2006, 330- 430 PM at Science Center, Room 309
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) abstract November 02, 2006, 300-500 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Sug Woo Shin () Counting points on Igusa varieties abstract November 01, 2006, 300 PM at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Jan-Erik Bjork (UNIVERSITY OF STOCKHOLM) Regularisation and meromorphic continuation of residue currents. abstract October 31, 2006, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM (BASIC NOTIONS) Shlomo Sternberg (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Ehrhart function for symbols and a generalization of Euler's constant abstract October 30, 2006, 3 PM at Science Center 507
JOINT MIT-HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR Vera Hur (MIT) Free-surface steady water waves with vorticity abstract October 27, 2006, 330 PM at Science Center, Room 221
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY Katrin Wehrheim (MIT) Instanton Floer homology with Lagrangian boundary conditions - towards the Atiyah-Floer conjecture abstract October 27, 2006, 330 - 430 pm at Science Center Room 309
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lecture VI abstract October 26, 2006, 300-500 PM at Science Center, Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Laurent Berger (IHES) Families of p-adic representations abstract October 25, 2006, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Paul Seidel (UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO) Mirror symmetry and the topology of Lagrangian tori. abstract October 24, 2006, 430 - 530 pm at Science Center Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM (BASIC NOTIONS) Ben Weinkove (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Moment maps and geometry abstract October 23, 2006, 3 PM at Sci Center 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Vladimir Chernov (DARTMOUTH) abstract October 20, 2006, 330- 430 PM at Science Center 309
MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM Amie Wilkinson (NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY) Asymmetrical diffeomorphisms abstract October 19, 2006, 430 at Science Center D
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Derived Schemes abstract October 19, 2006, 300-500 pm at Science Center, Room 507
SEMINAR ON INCOMPRESSIBLE NAVIER-STOKES Tai-Peng Tsai (VISITING HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Seminar on incompressible Navier-Stokes equation abstract October 18, 2006, 1200 - 200 pm at Science Center Room 232
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR David Helm (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Towards a geometric Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for unitary Shimura varieties abstract October 18, 2006, 300 pm at Science Center, Room 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM (BASIC NOTIONS) Peter Kronheimer (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Three-manifolds, four-manifolds and Floer homology abstract October 16, 2006, 3 PM at Science Center 507
MIT / HARVARD ANALYSIS SEMINAR Enno Lenzmann (MIT) Pseudo-relativistic nonlinear Schr/ odinger equations abstract October 13, 2006, 1200 at Science Center, Room 530
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH ZUERICH) The geometry of acoustical spacetime manifolds and the formation of shocks in fluids abstract October 13, 2006, 330-430 at Science Center 309
MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH ZURICH) The Formation of Shocks in 3-Dimensional Fluids abstract October 12, 2006, 1630 at Science Center Hall D
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Michael Hopkins (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) E-infinity ring spectra abstract October 12, 2006, 300 pm - 500 pm at Science Center Room 507
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Oliver Bultel (UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG) Monodromy groups of abelian varieties of type U (n-1,1) abstract October 11, 2006, 300 pm at Science Center Room 507
RESEARCH LECTURES FOR NON-SPECIALISTS Curtis McMullen (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The geometry of 3 manifolds abstract October 11, 2006, 8 PM at Science Center Lecture Hall D
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Ciprian Manolescu (COLUMBIA) A combinatorial description of knot Floer homology abstract October 6, 2006, 330-430 at Science Center 309
DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Lecture III abstract October 6, 2006, 3-5PM at SciCenter 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Valentino Tosatti (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Calabi flow with small initial energy abstract October 06, 2006, 430-530 at Science Center 232
NUMBER THEORY SERMINAR Matthias Schuett (HANNOVER UNIVERSITY) CM-newforms with rational coefficients abstract October 03, 2006, 3 PM at 507
FACULTY COLLOQUIUM (BASIC NOTIONS) Cliff Taubes (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Does Dirac have a tin ear? abstract October 02, 2006, 3 PM at Science Center 507
GAUGE THEORY AND TOPOLOGY SEMINAR Ben Weinkove (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) The Calabi-Yau equation on almost-Kahler 4-manifolds abstract September 29, 2006, 330-430 at Science Center 309
SEMINAR ON DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Mike Hopkins (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) Classical Elliptic Cohomology abstract September 28, 2006, 3-5 PM at Science Center 507
MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM Pierre Raphael (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY) Singularity formation for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation abstract September 28, 2006, 430 PM at Science Center Hall D
NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR Noam Elkies (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) [b-d, cd, bcd, 0, 0] abstract September 27, 2006, 3 PM at 507
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY SEMINAR Melanie Becker (TEXAS AM UNIVERSITY) Anomaly Cancellation and Smooth Non-Kahler Solutions in Heterotic String abstract September 26, 2006, 430 PM at Science Center 507
DERIVED ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY Jacob Lurie (HARVARD UNIVERSITY) A Talk on Derived Algebraic Geometry abstract September 21, 2006, 3-5PM at SciCenter 507
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