Department of Mathematics FAS Harvard University One Oxford Street Cambridge MA 02138 USA Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132

Math night was last semester in Leverett House Dining Hall, Mondays 8-10 PM

The first Math Night of Fall 2019 was on September 9th.
You can find friends in your math class or other classes, work on your psets, or get help from your CAs, many of whom will be present. Extra special food will be served!

Typically, the CAs that come to Math Night are from Math 23, 25 and 55 and several Math courses numbered in the 100's. Even if your CAs are not at Math Night, it is a great opportunity to meet other Math students, form pset groups, ask questions, and even learn about other Math classes. All are welcome! If you're in Math M, 1, or 21, make sure to also check out the MQC (Math Question Center) -- that's another great place to find a community of students doing math together, and to speak with CAs for those classes.

If you are looking for more formal advising for math courses, please see this page or contact the Mathematics Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Cliff Taubes (, For more information on the Math Concentration, please see this pamphlet.

Students from Harvard GIIM (Gender Inclusivity In Math) helped put on this event.

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