Reflecting on Learning and Instructional Difficulties Seminar
Hosted by the Preceptor Group
Angela Vierling-Classen
Bret Benesh
Matthew Leingang
Oliver Knill
Thomas Judson
Not pictured: Robin Gottlieb, Janet Chen
Teaching is a significant component of most
mathematicians' careers. Just
as future lawyers and doctors must study and train
to become more
proficient in the skills needed for their
professional careers, future
mathematicians must study and train to improve
their teaching skills.
The goal of the Reflecting on Learning and
Instructional Difficulties
Seminar is to provide
opportunities during the semester to discuss and
reflect on teaching
philosophies and practices in order to become
better teachers now
and to prepare for the teaching activities which
will be part of
future professional careers.
The seminar presentations and discussions are
designed primarily for mathematics graduate
students, but anyone
interested in mathematics teaching is welcome to
attend. We will be examining
teaching by reading and discussing case studies
developed at Boston
Please direct any comments or questions about the
seminar to Mathematics
Preceptor Bret Benesh (benesh [at]
Upcoming Sessions
What were they thinking?:
Expectations and
with Bret Benesh,
Preceptor at Harvard University
October 19, 2006, 2:30 to 4
p.m. Location: SC 530
Hugh Brightman, a second year
graduate student, is teaching his own
Calculus II class under faculty
supervision after a successful year as
a TA for a recitation section in a
large class taught by a professor. Although not many students have been coming to his office hours, Hugh is
confident that they are well
prepared for his first hour exam. He is
shocked when he discovers that
they don't seem to have learned even the
most basic techniques and concepts.
How to gauge the real extent of student understanding;
How to gauge the difficulty of an exam before one gives it
Dealing with a disastrous exam;
Ways to raise the mathematical level of a class and make
Balancing graduate mathematics studies and teaching
The difference between the roles of recitation section
instructor and course instructor;
Explaining the concept of half-life.
Studying the
with Thomas Judson,
Preceptor at Harvard University
November 16, 2006
Lecture: 2:30 to 4:00 pm
Location: SC 530
This case asks participants to
create a 50 minute exam based on a list
of sample questions. Some of the
questions exhibit various pitfalls a
test writer might fall into, such as stating a problem unclearly,
stating a problem so that poor
understanding will produce a better
partial answer than a slightly
mistaken understanding, writing a problem
which is very difficult to grade, and not considering the approaches
which are possible if a calculator
is allowed on the exam.
Writing a good
how to probe student understanding and misunderstanding,
time concerns,
grading concerns,
use of technology.
Pairing Up:
Classroom Management
with Robin
Senior Preceptor at Harvard
December 7, 2006
Lecture: 2:30 to 4:00 pm
Location: SC 530
A TA running a discussion section
for a course in integral calculus
decides to foster her students'
independent thinking skills by having
them work together in pairs. She is worried that the students too often
rely on her to provide them with the answers. However, the pairing
exercise does not go as smoothly
as she had hoped, for a variety of
reasons. She is left wondering how to organize the future discussion
How to best
allocate discussion section time;
Advantages and
drawbacks of group work;
Management of a
discussion section involving group work;
How to help
students see errors in their own work for themselves;
How to conclude a
section involving group work;
TA self-evaluation
--- how to tell if a given approach worked or
Study Habits:
with Angela Vierling-Claassen,
Preceptor at Harvard University
February 8, 2007
Lecture: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Location: SC 232
Angelica, a graduate student from another country, is teaching a section of second semester Calculus. She has high expectations for
the students in her class and is concerned over their poor performance to date. Angelica tries to boost her students' sagging study
habits by introducing a draconian regime of quizzes, mid-semester. She is met with bemused indifference from the supervising
professor, and outright indignation from her students
- Motivating students to study and do homework;
- The role of examinations and other methods of assessment in effective teaching; classroom management;
- Professor / graduate instructor relations;
- Teaching sections of a multi-section course with a set syllabus and common examinations;
- Changing the grading contract mid-term; international graduate student expectations of U.S. undergraduates.