Generating diagrams is relatively straightforward. Think of the
diagram as a 2-dimensional array, with
each entry filled by a symbol or a blank.
These ``arrays'' are defined in as in the following example:
$$\begin{array}{rcccl} \; & \; & G &\; &\; \\ \; & \nearrow & \; & \nwarrow &\; \\ H & \; & \; & \; &\text{Stab}_G(\eta) \\ \; & \nwarrow & \; & \nearrow &\; \\ \; & \; & H_{_\rho} & \; &\; \\ \; & \; & \mid &\; &\; \\ \; & \; & K &\; &\; \end{array}$$The argument
works the same way as the argument
to the tabular
environment, described in
Section 6.7.
Here, {rcccl}
specifies that there are 5 columns, of which the
first is right-justified, the middle four centered, and the last
As in the tabular
each row ends with a carriage return \\
, and ampersands
separate entries in
a given row.
Since we are making a diagram,
some entries are arrows, others symbols, and many
The command sequence above generates
includes the same automatic generator of rectangular commutative
diagrams contained in A
when you load the
You can then type
\begin{CD} H^2(K_{nr}/K) @>{\operatorname{Res}}>> H^2(L_{nr}/L)\\ @V{\operatorname{inv}_K}VV @VV{\operatorname{inv}_L}V \\ {\mathbb Q}/{\mathbb Z} @>n>> {\mathbb Q}/{\mathbb Z} \end{CD}to make the diagram
Read the next section to learn how to avoid typing \operatorname
all the time .